Biden Administration Lifts Financial Restrictions on Cuba

The Biden administration announced the lifting of some financial restrictions on Cuba, allowing private business owners in Cuba to establish stateside bank accounts. Cuban American lawmakers criticized the move, claiming it helps the Cuban regime rather than the people. The Treasury defended the decision, stating it aims to support the Cuban people and their struggling entrepreneurs.

Wisconsin Investment Fund for Start-ups

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers and the state's economic development agency announced a new $100 million fund to support start-up companies and entrepreneurs, with $50 million from federal funds and $50 million from private investors. The fund aims to help businesses in technology, health care, agriculture, manufacturing, and other sectors.

U.S. Regulatory Changes to Support Cuba’s Private Sector

The U.S. Treasury Department announced regulatory changes to allow more American financial support for Cuba’s private sector and to bolster access to U.S. internet-based services. These measures aim to support Cuba’s budding entrepreneurs while avoiding benefit to Cuban authorities.

Women in Ukraine Tech Sector Amid War

The war in Ukraine has led to more women taking on leadership roles in the country's growing tech sector, gaining experience and connections abroad that could help rebuild the economy post-conflict. Despite facing prejudice, women entrepreneurs are driving growth in the tech industry and attracting international investors.

Succession in China's Private Sector Family Firms

A new generation of entrepreneurs is taking over powerful family firms in China's private sector that have historically driven economic growth.