Controversy over NBC News hiring Ronna McDaniel

NBC News faces backlash after hiring ex-RNC chair Ronna McDaniel as a paid contributor, leading to public humiliation and on-air talent revolt. The decision is being reconsidered following intense criticism from NBC staff and executives.

Hollywood Executives Facing Long-Term Unemployment Amid Industry Challenges

Hollywood executives who have been laid off amid recent studio budget cuts are facing long-term unemployment due to economic challenges in the industry. The lack of jobs is pushing down salaries and executives are struggling to find new employment.

Corporate Tax Dodging by Major U.S. Corporations

A study found that Netflix and other major U.S. corporations paid more to their top executives than they did in federal taxes. Netflix paid its top five executives $652 million while only paying $236 million in federal income tax over a five-year period. This behavior negatively impacts working families by reducing paychecks and public services.

National Rifle Association executives found liable for mismanagement

A New York jury finds National Rifle Association executives, including Wayne LaPierre, liable for mismanagement.

Corruption at the National Rifle Association

Three top executives of the National Rifle Association found liable for corruption, dealing another blow to the conservative organization.