Terrorist Attack in Dagestan, Russia

A terrorist attack in Russia's Dagestan Republic killed 20 people, including police officers and an Orthodox priest. The attackers targeted a synagogue, churches, and a police station. Questions remain about who was behind the attack and their motives.

Islamic Militant Attacks in Dagestan, Russia

Islamic militants conducted coordinated attacks in two cities in Russia's southern region of Dagestan, killing 19 people, mostly police officers. The violence is believed to be linked to extremist groups in the North Caucasus. The attackers targeted houses of worship and police posts, resulting in casualties and injuries.

Dakota Adams: From Far-Right Extremism to Progressive Politics

Dakota Adams, son of far-right Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes, is running as a progressive Democrat in Montana after escaping an environment of extremism. Despite his unorthodox appearance, Adams has been well-received while canvassing and aims to bring change to a deeply conservative area.

Discussion on Antisemitism and Political Extremism

Rachel Maddow and 'The View' co-hosts discuss antisemitism and political extremism, expressing concerns about former President Trump's potential actions if re-elected.

Yaron Avraham's Transformation from Tragic Past to Successful Present

Yaron Avraham, a former Muslim born into a radical family, shares his journey from a tragic childhood filled with violence and terror to finding peace and purpose through conversion to Judaism. He now runs a successful restaurant in Jerusalem and gives talks about his past and his path to freedom and faith.

AIPAC's Role in Promoting Moderation in U.S. Politics

AIPAC, a pro-Israel advocacy group, is investing $100 million in Democratic and Republican primaries to elect candidates that support a strong U.S.-Israel relationship and promote moderation over extremism within both parties. They are targeting radical candidates like Rep. Jamaal Bowman and Rep. Cori Bush, while also supporting more moderate candidates in lesser-profile primaries.

Far-right response to Donald Trump's guilty verdict

Far-right groups and white nationalists respond to Donald Trump's guilty verdict with threats of violence and racist posts, raising concerns about potential violence and the normalization of extremist behavior.

Rising Islamist Violence in Europe and the West

The article discusses a series of Islamist attacks in Europe and the West, highlighting a growing trend of violence that many people have become resigned to. It explores the reluctance to address the perpetrators and the shift of blame to victims or far-right groups. The author questions whether the West can combat Islamist threats while upholding democratic values.

Critique of Military's Shift Towards Leftist Ideology

Pete Hegseth discusses his new book 'The War on Warriors' criticizing the military's shift towards leftist ideology and his personal experience of being labeled an extremist by the Army in 2021.

Germany's Far-Right AfD Party Monitoring

Germany's domestic intelligence agency can continue to monitor the far-right Alternative for Germany as a suspected case of extremism that represents a potential threat to democracy, according to a ruling Monday. The party challenged this classification but was not allowed to appeal.

German Court Upholds Observation of Far-Right Party for Suspected Extremism

German court upholds decision to observe far-right party for suspected extremism. Party strongly rejects designation as political attempt to discredit. AfD has moved steadily to the right, opposes bailouts, strong opposition to migration. Ratings declined after extremists meeting report triggered protests.

Release of Golden Dawn Party Leader from Prison

The head of Greece's extreme far-right Golden Dawn party was granted conditional early release from prison after serving part of his sentence for running a criminal organization blamed for violent hate crimes.

Political Center Pushing Back Against Extremes

The political center in both parties is pushing back against the far right and far left, with weariness towards chaos and dysfunction. Bipartisan efforts are being made to support Speaker Mike Johnson and counter extreme actions. Pro-Palestinian protesters on college campuses are facing opposition, with concerns about antisemitism. Centrists like Sen. Chris Murphy and Sen. Joe Manchin are gaining support for their moderate approaches.

Arrest of Russian Journalists

Three Russian journalists were arrested and detained in Russia for charges related to 'extremism' and spreading misinformation. The crackdown on media continues in the country amidst the invasion of Ukraine.

German Coup Plot Trial

Lead suspect in coup plot case in Germany targeted by prosecutors for organizing demonstrations against pandemic restrictions, accused along with 26 others of conspiring to overthrow the state and install an aristocrat as ruler. Prosecutors allege willingness to use violence and belief in 'Deep State' conspiracy theories. Case expected to last several years.

Trial of Nine Men in Germany for High Treason and Coup Plot

Nine men in Germany are on trial for high treason, attempted murder, and plotting a coup to install an aristocrat as national leader and impose martial law. They are part of the Reichsberger group, aiming to overthrow the system and bring down the government.

Crackdown on Russian Journalists

Three Russian journalists, including Konstantin Gabov, Sergey Karelin, and Sergei Mingazov, were arrested and detained by Russian authorities for charges related to extremism and spreading misinformation. The crackdown on media in Russia continues amidst accusations of working with political opposition groups and reporting on alleged war crimes in Ukraine.

Israel's Bombardment in Gaza and Radicalization

Discussion on how Israel's bombardment in Gaza may be reinforcing a cycle of radicalization.

Rise of Antisemitism in the Democratic Party

Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt discusses the rise of antisemitism tied to an 'anti-American' Marxist strain in the Democratic Party, highlighting the normalization of antisemitism and anti-Zionism within the left.

Muslim politicians in the U.K. facing verbal abuse amid concerns over government's new extremism definition

Muslim politicians in the U.K. facing verbal abuse amid concerns over government's new extremism definition, particularly challenging during Ramadan while observing events in Gaza.

ISIS-K's Growing Threat in Europe and Russia

ISIS-K, a branch of ISIS operating in Afghanistan, has claimed responsibility for a recent attack in Moscow, indicating their growing focus on Europe. The group has shown resilience and adaptability, with ambitions to target Western countries, including Russia, and expand its reach beyond South Asia.

ISIS Calls for Attacks on Christians and Jews During Ramadan

ISIS spokesperson calls for 'lone wolves' to target Christians and Jews worldwide during Ramadan, praises terror attack near Moscow, and urges escalation of attacks in various countries.

Charges Against Russian Journalist for Involvement with Navalny's Foundation

Russian journalist Antonina Favorskaya was charged with participating in the activities of Alexei Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation, labeled as extremist in 2021. She faces up to six years in prison. Favorskaya recorded Navalny's last video before his sudden death in prison.

Rampant Antisemitism on College Campuses

Jewish students from across the country addressed Congress about rampant antisemitism on college campuses, with a student at Stanford University revealing hostile debates over the Israel-Hamas war and some students calling for the death of President Biden.

Islamic cleric in Michigan threatens to slaughter Jews

Imam in Michigan issues a radical sermon at the Islamic Center of Warren, threatening to slaughter Jews like sheep and appealing to Allah to make Muslims soldiers for Islam. The sermon has sparked outrage and concerns over Islamic extremism in the US.

Trial of Independent Journalist in Belarus

Prominent independent journalist in Belarus goes on trial on extremism charges widely seen as politically motivated, amidst ongoing crackdown on dissent and independent media outlets by the government.

Christian Nationalism in America

The article discusses the rise of Christian nationalism and its potential impact on American society, highlighting the views of conservative voices and the dangers associated with extremist beliefs. It also delves into the Project 2025 initiative and the influence of individuals advocating for Christian nationalism within the government.

UK Government's New Definition of Extremism

The UK government has introduced a new definition of extremism to determine public funding and meetings, sparking criticism from various groups. The definition aims to protect democratic values and social cohesion, but has raised concerns about free speech and potential division in society.

Far-right activist convicted for hate speech in Belgium

Far-right activist Dries Van Langenhove convicted in Belgium for racist and hateful speech, leading to a year in prison. Extremist group members received suspended sentences. Right-wing extremism on the rise in Europe.

Pro-Palestinian Protests in London

Pro-Palestinian protests in London are being criticized for creating a hostile environment for Jews, with concerns about extremist groups operating unchecked in the UK.

Far-left militant group targets Elon Musk's Tesla operations in Germany

A far-left militant group called the Vulkan Group has been causing chaos in Germany for over a decade, with their most recent focus being on targeting Elon Musk's Tesla operations. The group has a history of targeting infrastructure like railway lines and radio masts, and their attacks are signed with nicknames referring to volcanoes. They recently sabotaged Tesla's gigafactory, causing a power outage and halting production. The group claims to be part of the global climate movement and aims to disrupt public order and bring attention to vulnerabilities in communication and public life.

Britain's Heightened Terror Threat Level

Britain's terror threat level is at its highest since 9/11, with warnings of potential co-ordinated terrorist actions or lone outsider attacks. Security officials fear a rise in extremist activity during Ramadan and have noted record levels of extremist 'chatter.' Politicians have been warned of the impact of the Israel-Hamas conflict on global terror recruitment. Experts emphasize the threat from Islamist extremism and far-right groups, with concerns of generational radicalization among British Muslims. The terrorism threat level is currently 'substantial,' but some believe it should be raised due to recent events.

UK Crackdown on Radical Islamist Hate Preachers

The UK is taking measures to block radical Islamist hate preachers from entering the country due to increased extremist activity following Hamas terror attacks on Israel. There are concerns about Islamist violence in Britain, with reports of radical sermons and the government focusing on the threat from far-left groups as well.

Candidate for Governor's Affiliation with Ku Klux Klan

The Missouri Republican Party is working to remove a candidate for governor from the primary ballot after a picture of him doing a Nazi salute in front of a burning cross resurfaced online. The candidate, Darrell Leon McClanahan III, has been affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan.

Air Force Member Sets Himself on Fire Outside Israeli Embassy

Air Force member sets himself on fire outside Israeli embassy as a protest against Israel's actions, raising questions about how he was allowed to serve and access to classified information.

Nazis at CPAC Spreading Antisemitic Conspiracy Theories

Nazis openly mingled at CPAC, spreading antisemitic conspiracy theories and finding allies. Some had official badges and met little resistance at the conference.

Governor Gavin Newsom's comments on Republicans and abortion rights

Governor Gavin Newsom accuses Republicans of wanting rapists to have more rights than the women they impregnate, citing recent extreme anti-abortion laws in some states.

Alt-right conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec at CPAC 2024

Alt-right conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec vows to overthrow democracy during CPAC, with plans to replace it with a new American republic, sparking swift reactions on social media.