Father's Day Gift Ideas and Divine Coincidences

TV personality and home improvement expert Skip Bedell shares Father's Day gift ideas. Godwinks creators SQuire Rushnell and Louise DuArt discuss divine coincidences. Story of Kristen Wakefield finding pennies as signs from her late father. The article highlights the importance of treasured memories and signs from loved ones.

Jennie Garth's stance on her daughters pursuing acting

Jennie Garth stated that she would support her daughters if they wanted to pursue acting now that they're older, but not when they were younger. She emphasized the importance of family and raising grounded children.

Irish Referenda on Family Values

The Irish public rejected attempts to redefine marriage and the role of women in the constitution, leading to a historic victory for family values. The defeat was seen as a rejection of liberal conformity and a commitment to traditional family values.