Chinese Entities Buying Farmland Near US Military Bases

Chinese entities have been buying farmland near US military bases, raising concerns about potential espionage and sabotage. The US government and officials are alarmed by the lack of laws preventing this and are heightening investigations to counter espionage attempts.

Anti-growth fervour in the U.S. South post-pandemic boom

House prices in Gallatin, Tennessee have surged due to a pandemic-driven migration, leading to an anti-growth backlash in the region. Locals are concerned about overdevelopment, loss of farmland, and strain on infrastructure. Political tensions have risen as conservative groups push for restrictive policies on growth and clash with city officials.

House Farm Bill Restrictions on Foreign Land Ownership

The upcoming House Farm Bill aims to restrict foreign entities, particularly China, from purchasing American farmland to protect national security. The bill includes reforms to track and penalize false filings, as well as enhance data sharing with the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS).

Monopoly in American Agriculture and Its Impact on Iowa's Food Landscape

The book 'Barons' by Austin Frerick argues that the monopoly in American agriculture has led to a collapse in rural America while diminishing the quality and variety of American food. It discusses the rise of 'baronial' families dominating different sectors of the food industry, impacting consumer choice and American landscapes. Frerick suggests that Iowa's food landscape can be improved by following Italy's model of rich farmland and diversity in agriculture.