Implications of the word 'felon'

Exploring the implications of the word 'felon' in light of Trump's and Hunter Biden's recent convictions, discussing its impact on individuals and society.

Travel restrictions for convicted felons

After being convicted of multiple felonies, former President Donald Trump may be barred from visiting 37 countries due to their strict policies on individuals with criminal records.

Labeling Donald Trump as a Felon

Democrats and left-wing media are labeling former President Donald Trump as a felon following his conviction on 34 counts in a business records trial. Trump Jr. believes 'felon' will be used to delegitimize his father in the same way 'racist' and 'fascist' were used in previous elections.

Donald Trump Convicted as Felon

Former President Donald Trump has been found guilty on all 34 counts in his business records trial, making him a convicted felon. Democrats and the leftist media are celebrating the verdict, while Trump claims it is a rigged decision by the Biden administration to hurt him as a political opponent.

Court ruling on felon's right to possess firearm for self-defense

A three-judge panel from the Ninth Circuit ruled that a felon, Steven Duarte, has the right to possess a firearm for self-defense. The decision was split, with two judges finding the prohibition against felons possessing guns unconstitutional based on Second Amendment rights.

Gun Control Response to Officers' Deaths

President Joe Biden responded to a felon allegedly killing four officers in North Carolina by pushing for more gun control measures for law-abiding Americans.