Crew Rest Compartments on Widebody Aircraft

Widebody aircraft have secret Crew Rest Compartments where pilots and cabin crew rest during long flights, with varying locations depending on the aircraft. These compartments are cozy but compact spaces with sleeping bunks, temperature control, and safety equipment. They are designed to provide crew members with rest and maintain alertness during flights.

Sexual Assault Allegations Against Brandon McManus

Two female flight attendants are suing former Jacksonville Jaguars kicker Brandon McManus for sexual assault during a flight to London. The women allege that McManus grinded against them and created an unsafe environment by encouraging inappropriate behavior. They are seeking more than $1 million in damages.

Sexual Assault Allegations Against Brandon McManus

Lawsuit accuses Brandon McManus of sexual assault against two women flight attendants while on a Jacksonville Jaguars plane overseas last year.

Labor Negotiations in the Airline Industry

President Biden's administration is pushing for new contracts for flight attendants and airline caterers to avoid labor unrest that could impact his reelection campaign. Negotiations are intensifying with the hope of reaching agreements by the end of May.

Flight attendants arrested for smuggling drug money

Four flight attendants have been arrested for smuggling millions of dollars worth of drug money from New York City to the Caribbean by abusing their positions as airline employees and exploiting airport security checkpoints.