Severe Drought in Zambia

Cindy McCain, executive director of the World Food Programme, discusses the severe drought in Zambia leading to hunger for 21 million people in the region. The WFP is providing emergency food aid and implementing long-term sustainable solutions like drought-resistant crops and water projects.

Haiti's Food Insecurity Crisis

Haiti is facing a severe food crisis due to gang violence, low agricultural production, and lack of humanitarian aid, with millions of people experiencing acute food insecurity and some regions on the brink of famine.

Food insecurity in Gaza

More than half of Gaza's population is facing severe food insecurity due to limited aid access despite international pressure on Israel.

Humanitarian Crisis Facing Haitians in the Dominican Republic

Haitians endure long queues for food in neighboring Dominican Republic amid a humanitarian crisis set to intensify due to surging gang violence and political instability in Haiti.

Food Insecurity in Gaza

A man recalls a visit to his wife's distant aunt in Cairo to eat a Palestinian dish, maftoul, and reflects on the hunger and food insecurity in Gaza where his family is from. He shares stories of survival during the Israeli bombardment and the struggles faced by his family and friends back home.