Georgian 'Foreign Agents' Legislation Rejected

Georgian parliament committee rejects president's veto of 'foreign agents' legislation, sparking massive protests. Law requires media and NGOs with over 20% foreign funding to register as 'carrying out the interests of a foreign power.' Supporters claim it's necessary to stop harmful foreign actors, while critics see it as a restriction on media freedom and EU aspirations.

Georgian Opposition Protests Government Bill on "Foreign Agents"

Georgian opposition parties protest government bill on "foreign agents" seen as a threat to country's EU and NATO aspirations. Protests escalate in capital, with clashes between protesters and police. International community expresses concerns over the legislation.

Georgia's Parliament Chaos Over 'Foreign Agents' Law

Georgia's parliament descended into chaos after a ruling party member was punched while discussing a controversial law on 'foreign agents.' The bill is seen as obstructing Georgia's aim of joining the EU.

Georgian lawmakers clash over controversial 'foreign agents' bill

Georgian lawmakers came to blows in Tbilisi over a controversial bill on 'foreign agents' criticized by Western countries.