Protests in Tbilisi over 'foreign agents' bill

Two U.S. citizens and one Russian detained at protests in Tbilisi amid controversy over a 'foreign agents' bill, causing political crisis in Georgia.

Protests in Georgia against 'foreign agents' bill

Georgian opposition parties are protesting a government bill on 'foreign agents' that they say limits media freedom and hinders the country's path to the EU and NATO. Dozens arrested in protests with police using tear gas and water cannons.

Georgia Protest Crackdown

Security forces in Georgia used excessive force against protesters outside parliament over a controversial "foreign agents" bill, sparking widespread unrest and criticism from opposition groups and Western nations.

Georgia's 'Foreign Agents' Bill

Georgia's parliament approved the first reading of a bill on 'foreign agents' that has sparked protests, seen as authoritarian and Russian-inspired. The bill would require organizations receiving over 20% of funding from abroad to register as agents of foreign influence.