Corruption Allegations Against President Joe Biden

Peter Schweizer argues that President Joe Biden's decisionmaking has been influenced by corrupt financial interests from abroad, leading to accusations of corruption and unethical behavior.

Ukrainian NGO's Enemies List

Rep. Jim Banks urges Republican leaders to stop U.S. government from partnering with Ukrainian actors targeting Americans. A Ukrainian NGO published an enemies list of American lawmakers, think-tanks, and media figures opposing aid to Ukraine. Banks requests to end partnerships with such groups.

Foreign Influence in U.S. Schools

House bill seeks to mandate transparency in schools regarding foreign-funded programs to prevent anti-American propaganda; Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters leads efforts to protect children from foreign influence in U.S. schools.

Indictment of Rep. Henry Cuellar and GOP Runoff Primary Race in Texas

Rep. Henry Cuellar and his wife were indicted for alleged bribery and foreign influence, sparking a GOP runoff primary race in Texas. Cuellar has been a controversial figure within the Democratic Party due to his conservative stances on issues like abortion and immigration.

Foreign Funding of Anti-American and Anti-Israel Protests in the U.S.

Republican Senator Ted Cruz claims that China and Cuba are funding radical left-wing organizations to incite anti-Israel and anti-American protests in the U.S., calling for investigations by the Biden administration. He highlights the influence of these foreign entities on campus protests and criticizes the lack of action by the DOJ and FBI. Cruz also addresses concerns about anti-American sentiments among foreign students and challenges elite institutions for tolerating antisemitic behavior.

Indictment of Rep. Henry Cuellar for Bribery and Foreign Influence

Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, and his wife indicted for alleged bribery and foreign influence. Former President Trump and Democratic House Caucus defend Cuellar. Trump accuses President Biden of using DOJ to retaliate against Cuellar for demanding tougher border security. Cuellar charged with accepting bribes from Azerbaijan and Mexican bank in exchange for official acts as a member of Congress.

Preventing Foreign Influence in American Elections Act

A U.S. Senator is introducing a bill to prevent foreign influence in American elections, highlighting the use of a Swiss billionaire's funding to support Democrats. The bill aims to close loopholes and prohibit foreign nationals from funding election-related activities.