Discovery of Grape Fossil Seeds in South America

A group of scientists discovered grape fossil seeds in South America that could connect dinosaurs to today's wine offerings. The oldest grape found is 60 million years old. The discovery suggests that grapes spread across the world after the extinction of dinosaurs.

Discovery of Giant Extinct Snake in India

New research suggests a giant extinct snake, named Vasuki indicus, may have once inhabited India around 47 million years ago. The snake was estimated to be between 36 and 50 feet long, making it larger than any known living snake today.

Discovery of 240 Million-Year-Old Chinese Dragon Fossil

Scientists discover a 5-meter-long aquatic reptile from the Triassic period in China, named Dinocephalosaurus orientalis, with an extraordinarily long neck and snake-like appearance.

Discovery of 240-Million-Year-Old Aquatic Reptile Fossil in China

Scientists in Scotland have discovered a 240-million-year-old aquatic reptile fossil in China, known as Dinocephalosaurus orientalis, with a long neck and snake-like appearance. The reptile was well adapted to an oceanic lifestyle and is not closely related to long-necked plesiosaurs. The discovery has captured global attention for its striking appearance.