Misinformation about President Biden's Gas Car Ban

Fossil fuel industry groups and former President Trump are spreading false claims about President Biden's gas car ban to sway voters in swing states. The Biden administration's fuel economy rules do not ban gas vehicles but aim to incentivize the transition to electric vehicles. California has voted to phase out gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035, but the rest of the states targeted by the ads have not adopted such stringent standards. The ads are part of a broader conservative plan to mobilize voters against clean energy initiatives.

Climate Change and Texas Politics

Climate-fueled weather disasters in Texas are tied to a government hostile to the concept of climate change, according to a Bloomberg Opinion editor. Texas has suffered significant climate-related damage due to its pro-global-warming policies. The state's leadership denies climate change and hinders efforts to address it, focusing on the fossil fuel industry instead.

Fossil Fuel Industry Benefit from EV Charging Station Funds

The fossil fuel industry is benefitting from the $7.5 billion allocated for electric vehicle charging stations by lobbying for them to be built at existing gas station locations, reinforcing fossil fuel infrastructure.