Attack on U.S. Consulate in Sydney, Australia

The U.S. consulate in Sydney, Australia, was attacked by a sledgehammer-wielding suspect who smashed windows and smeared anti-Israel graffiti on its doors, believed to be politically motivated. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese condemned the act, urging respectful political debate. Operations inside the consulate were unaffected, and investigations are ongoing.

Vandalism at U.S. Consulate in Sydney

The U.S. consulate in Sydney was vandalized by a suspect wielding a sledgehammer and spray painting anti-Israel graffiti on its doors. The incident drew condemnation from Australia's prime minister.

Graffiti artists turning unfinished building into canvas for community issues

Graffiti artists in Los Angeles have turned an unfinished building project into a canvas to showcase their work and raise awareness about community issues. The graffiti on Oceanwide Plaza has become a symbol of protest art and a call-out to policymakers. While some see it as vandalism, others view it as a form of expression and a platform for marginalized voices.

Elderly Man Threatened with Fines for Graffiti on His Property

A 102-year-old wheelchair-bound resident of Oakland, California is being threatened with fines for being unable to remove graffiti painted on his fence by vandals. City officials handed him a citation demanding he remove the graffiti or face fines.