Whale Sightings off New England

Scientists report a large number of whales off New England, including an orca eating a tuna and a high concentration of rare sei whales. The area is important core habitat for endangered North Atlantic right whales, with concerns about vessel strikes and entanglements.

Sea Lions at Pier 39 in San Francisco

An unusually large herd of sea lions has hauled out of the bay waters to hang out on the docks at Pier 39 in San Francisco, with over 1,000 sea lions counted. This surge is a good sign of the animal's strong population and the health of its habitat, fueled by a bounty of anchovies and herring in the bay waters ahead of mating season.

Butterfly Population

Some butterflies are disappearing due to factors like pesticide use and loss of habitat, but a native butterfly is making a surprising comeback in Florida.