Pet Summer Safety During Heatwaves

Tips on how to keep pets safe and healthy during hot summer months, including specific dog breeds that are vulnerable to heatstrokes and signs of overheating.

Heatwave Preparedness in the Southwest

Phoenix Fire Department adopts cold water immersion therapy for heatstroke victims in response to the first heat wave of the summer season in the Southwest, with temperatures soaring above 100 degrees Fahrenheit in cities like Phoenix, Las Vegas, and California.

Blistering Summer Heat in North India

Blistering summer heat grips north India, causing animals to collapse, shortages of water, and heat-related deaths. Delivery personnel spend more time on scooters due to increased home deliveries. Extreme temperatures lead to fires and heatstroke cases among humans and animals. India is not alone in experiencing high temperatures, with billions across Asia affected. Scientists attribute the trend to human-driven climate change.