Protest in Jerusalem

Thousands protested in front of the Prime Minister's Residence in Jerusalem, calling for the release of hostages. Police extinguished a fire in the road and protesters rekindled it. Young people blocked streets and chanted against the government.

Accusations of Coup Attempt by Sara Netanyahu

Sara Netanyahu accused military chiefs of trying to carry out a coup against her husband during a meeting with families of hostages. She expressed a lack of confidence in the IDF's senior officers, which was met with pushback from the families present.

Abduction of Israeli Hostages by Hamas

Almog Levy's parents were abducted by Hamas gunmen, leaving him celebrating his third birthday without them. The Israeli government faces criticism for not securing their release as Netanyahu focuses on destroying Hamas militarily. More than 37,600 people have been killed in Gaza since the conflict began.

Israel's Offensive in Gaza and Tensions with Lebanon

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signals the end of the 'intensive' phase of the offensive in Gaza, but indicates a partial cease-fire, leading to concerns about escalation with Hezbollah. The conflict is also linked to tensions in Israel's northern border with Lebanon.

Israeli Hostages in Gaza

A senior Hamas official told CNN that the fate of the remaining 116 Israeli hostages is unknown, with 41 confirmed dead and uncertainty about the status of the remaining 75. Hamas demands a permanent ceasefire and Israeli withdrawal from Gaza for their release.

Conflict in Nuseirat Refugee Camp

UN human rights office cites possible war crimes by Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups in connection with a deadly raid by Israeli forces that freed four hostages and killed hundreds of Palestinians. The raid at the urban Nuseirat refugee camp resulted in numerous Palestinian casualties, including women and children.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken's interaction with hostage families in Gaza

Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with family members of hostages held in Gaza during his trip to Tel Aviv, reassuring them that efforts are being made to bring everyone home.

Israel's Hostage Rescue and Shavuot Cookbook Dedication

Israel safely rescued four hostages captured by Hamas during the Oct. 7 attacks. The Hostages and Missing Families Forum dedicated a cookbook for the Jewish holiday of Shavuot to honor the abductees.

Debate Over Israel's Rescue Mission in Gaza

Liberal media pundits express outrage over Israel's rescue mission resulting in civilian deaths, while some praise the operation as necessary. Various commentators and politicians debate the ethics and implications of the rescue mission in Gaza.

Israeli Hostage Rescue Operation in Gaza

Four hostages abducted in the Hamas attacks were rescued by Israeli special forces in Gaza, resulting in casualties on both sides. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faced political challenges following the rescue operation. The future of a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas remains uncertain.

IDF Rescue Operation in Gaza

IDF special forces rescued four hostages in Gaza amid a hail of gunfire. Controversy arose as Hamas reported 274 deaths during the mission, while IDF claimed fewer than 100. The operation was daring and executed brilliantly, with a total of seven hostages rescued and 16 bodies recovered.

Cease-fire Deal Between Israel and Hamas in Gaza

The United Nations Security Council passed a U.S.-drafted cease-fire deal to stop fighting between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, with China not blocking and Russia abstaining. Israel proposed a three-part plan for a permanent cease-fire. Israel rescued hostages, causing uncertainty on agreeing to the cease-fire. The EU and Security Council urged implementation of the proposal.

Israeli Rescue Operation in Gaza

Israeli forces conducted a dramatic rescue operation in Gaza to free four hostages held by Hamas terrorists, with 1200 people killed in the initial attack and around 250 taken hostage. The hostages were rescued in a complex operation amidst heavy fighting.

Israeli Hostage Rescue in Gaza

Four hostages were rescued by Israeli forces in Gaza, but families of remaining hostages continue to pressure Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Ambassador Dennis Ross believes Hamas may be embarrassed by the rescue and a ceasefire deal is unlikely in the immediate aftermath.

Israel's Covert Strikes in Syria and Potential War with Hezbollah

Israel intensifies covert strikes in Syria against weapons sites and Iranian-linked commanders, rescues hostages, and prepares for potential war with Hezbollah in Lebanon.

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken's Visit to the Middle East

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visits Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Qatar to increase pressure on Hamas and Israel to reach a ceasefire in Gaza. Four hostages, including Noa Argamani, were rescued in a recovery operation. The conflict between Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah is dangerously poised.

Negotiating Deal with Hamas to Release American Hostages in Gaza

The White House is considering negotiating a deal with Hamas to release Americans held hostage in Gaza.

Israel's operation in Gaza

Israel conducts a weekend operation in Gaza, freeing four hostages held by Hamas but resulting in the deaths of over 270 Palestinians.

Daring Rescue Operation and Fallout in Gaza and Israel

After a daring rescue operation that returned four hostages to Israel, Gaza is dealing with the consequences of the raid that resulted in mass casualties. In Israel, a top war cabinet official resigned amid a divided government.

Rep. Nancy Mace's comments on President Biden's trip, Hamas cease-fire deal, and Benny Gantz's resignation

Rep. Nancy Mace discusses President Biden's trip to France, administration urging Hamas to accept a cease-fire deal with Israel, and expectations for the G-7 summit. Benny Gantz resigns from Benjamin Netanyahu's government over differences in strategy regarding hostages seized by Hamas.

Israeli Military Operation to Rescue Hostages

Innocent people were tragically killed during an Israeli military operation to rescue hostages kidnapped during a Hamas terror attack. The exact number of civilian casualties is disputed between the Israeli Defense Forces and Hamas-run Gaza health ministry.

Rescue of Hostages in Gaza

Four hostages were rescued from Gaza in a miraculous and heroic operation, leading to joy in Israel but bloodshed in Gaza. The rescue highlighted the ongoing war's toll and failures in negotiations. The operation resulted in mass casualties, and calls for a cease-fire have been renewed. Netanyahu's actions following the rescue have faced criticism, and opposition leader Benny Gantz is expected to resign.

Israeli Rescue Operation

An Israeli rescue operation freed four hostages but resulted in the deaths of more than 200 people in Gaza.

Israeli forces rescue hostages from Hamas in daring raid in central Gaza

Israeli forces freed four hostages held captive by Hamas during a daring raid in central Gaza, including Noa Argamani, a young Israeli woman. The mission involved covert preparations and a diversionary operation. The hostages were rescued successfully, but casualties occurred during the operation.

U.S. Intelligence Assistance in Hostage Rescue in Gaza

U.S. intelligence assisted Israel in rescuing four hostages in Gaza, providing crucial information and logistical support. President Biden and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan praised the rescue and emphasized ongoing efforts to secure the release of all hostages. The U.S. and U.K. have been supporting Israel with intelligence during the conflict.

Revelation of Hamas Operative and US-based Organization Connection

Ramy Abdu, a Hamas operative, may have inadvertently revealed that a person involved in keeping Israeli hostages worked for a US-based tax-exempt organization. The individual, Abdallah Aljamal, is a 'journalist' who was reportedly killed by IDF forces during an incursion into houses where the hostages were held.

Hostage Rescue in Israel

President Biden and President Macron praised the rescue of four hostages in Israel and called for a ceasefire in the region. Macron criticized Israel on humanitarian grounds, while Biden focused on cooperation and international issues.

Israeli Raid in Gaza

Four hostages were rescued in an Israeli raid in Gaza, with mass Palestinian casualties and 120 hostages still in Hamas captivity. One rescued hostage is Noa Argamani, whose kidnapping video defined Hamas' October 7 attack. Noa's mother's dying wish of seeing her daughter one last time was fulfilled.

Israeli raid in Gaza and rescue of hostages

CAIR condemned Israeli raid in Gaza that led to rescue of four Israeli hostages, calling it a 'horrific massacre.' Israeli forces rescued hostages from Hamas terrorists, resulting in casualties. CAIR has a controversial history and is considered a pro-terror organization.

Israeli Hostage Rescue Operation in Gaza

Israeli forces rescued four hostages from Gaza in a complex special daytime operation, resulting in the death of at least 200 Palestinians and one Israeli special forces police officer.

Biden Administration Calls for Negotiations and Ceasefire Talks After Israel Defense Forces Rescue Hostages from Hamas

The Biden administration calls for negotiations and ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas after the Israel Defense Forces rescue four hostages taken by Hamas at a music festival. The United States supports efforts to secure the release of remaining hostages and backs a hostage release and ceasefire deal. The hostages were rescued from two locations in Nuseirat, Gaza, and are in good medical condition.

Israeli Hostages Rescued from Central Gaza

Four Israeli hostages were rescued from central Gaza by Israeli authorities in a complex operation. At least 94 Palestinians were killed in the rescue operation. The hostages are in good medical condition and under observation in an Israeli hospital. The news has been received with cheers in Israel, boosting morale.

Former IDF deputy chief Matan Vilnai's interview regarding hostages and war in Gaza

Former IDF deputy chief Matan Vilnai discussed the possibility of transferring hostages from Gaza to Sinai through the Philadelphi Corridor. He emphasized the need for releasing the hostages as the top priority and called for an immediate cessation of the war.

Interfaith Conference Urging Return of Hostages Held by Hamas

Interfaith conference in NYC urges world leaders to seek return of hostages still in Hamas custody, family members share stories of hope and concern, including cruel conditions faced by hostages.

Israeli Hostages Killed by Hamas

Four Israelis taken hostage by Hamas have been confirmed dead, along with a paramedic killed by Hamas. Cease-fire proposal challenged in Israeli government. Families push for deal to secure return of remaining hostages. 120 Israelis still held captive by Hamas, with 43 declared dead. IDF pronounces the four hostages dead based on intelligence. Hamas spokesperson claimed three hostages were killed in an Israeli airstrike. Some hostages released in temporary cease-fire deal. Paramedic's remains identified by IDF.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's Response to President Biden's Plan for Gaza

Israel's aide to Prime Minister Netanyahu confirmed agreeing to President Biden's plan to end the war in Gaza, despite calling it 'not a good deal.' Netanyahu's official stance remains unclear, emphasizing the need to destroy Hamas and free hostages.

Israel-Gaza Conflict Cease-Fire Proposal

Israel's prime minister rejects Biden's proposal for a permanent cease-fire in Gaza, stating that long-standing conditions must be met first. The war continues as families of Israeli hostages urge immediate action.

Cease-fire proposal between Israel and Hamas

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejects the proposed cease-fire plan by U.S. President Joe Biden until long-standing conditions are met, including the destruction of Hamas' military capabilities and the release of all hostages. Families of hostages urge immediate action as the conflict in Gaza continues to escalate.

President Biden's Three-Phase Hostage Deal Proposal for Gaza

President Biden presents a three-phase hostage deal proposal to end the war in Gaza, but Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's office insists on certain conditions for a ceasefire. Critics question the effectiveness of Biden's plan, while Hamas shows positivity towards it. The proposal includes phases for ceasefire, release of hostages, and reconstruction of Gaza.

Israel-Gaza Conflict Proposals

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu did not confirm or deny President Biden's claim that Israel proposed a deal for a ceasefire and hostage release keeping Hamas in power. The two leaders' versions of the proposal differ over destroying Hamas.

Israel's Proposed Cease-fire Plan for Gaza Strip

President Joe Biden announces Israel's proposed three-part plan for a permanent cease-fire in the Gaza Strip and release of hostages. The plan involves a full cease-fire, negotiation for release of hostages, and a reconstruction plan for Gaza.

Israel's Three-Part Plan for Cease-Fire in Gaza

President Joe Biden announced Israel's three-part plan for a permanent cease-fire in Gaza and the release of hostages, facing opposition from the far-left wing of the Democratic Party. The plan involves a full cease-fire, negotiations for a permanent cease-fire, release of all hostages, and a major reconstruction plan in Gaza.

President Joe Biden's three-phase proposal to end fighting between Israel and Hamas

President Joe Biden proposes a new three-phase plan to end fighting between Israel and Hamas, including a total cease-fire, return of all hostages, and rebuilding of Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister's stance on ending war in Gaza for release of hostages

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will not agree to end the war in Gaza in exchange for the release of hostages unless it is politically advantageous for him, according to a top Israeli security official. This has caused shock among the families of the hostages who have been held captive by Hamas. Cease-fire negotiations between Israel and Hamas remain deadlocked.

Recovery of Hostages in Gaza by IDF

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) recovered the bodies of three hostages in an operation in northern Gaza who were murdered during the October 7 Massacre and kidnapped by Hamas terrorists. The bodies were rescued in Jabalya and brought back to Israel. The IDF and ISA continue efforts to bring back all hostages.

Israeli Hostages Captured by Hamas

Three bodies of Israeli hostages captured by Hamas were recovered in Gaza, adding to the tragedy of the ongoing hostage situation. Families mourn the loss and call for swift action to bring all hostages home.

Humanitarian Aid in Gaza

Biden Campaign Co-Chair Sen. Chris Coons acknowledged that the best way to get humanitarian aid into Gaza is through a hostage and ceasefire deal with Hamas, and President Biden has been working to convince Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to deconflict and partner with the international community for aid delivery.

Israeli Female Soldiers Captured by Hamas

Five Israeli female soldiers were captured by Hamas militants, leading to a disturbing video being released by the families. The women were threatened and humiliated during the captivity, with some still in the hands of Hamas.

Abduction of Female Israeli Soldiers by Hamas

Seven female Israeli soldiers were captured by Hamas during an attack. Graphic footage of their abduction was released, urging the government to secure their release. Efforts to negotiate for their release have been ongoing, with some hostages still in captivity.

Abduction of Female Israeli Soldiers by Hamas in Gaza

Five female Israeli soldiers are still being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza. A video of their abduction was released, showing the women in a distressing situation. Talks for a ceasefire including the release of hostages have broken down. Israeli President Isaac Herzog called the situation a cruel atrocity and urged for the hostages' release.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians in the Middle East

The conflict between Israel and Palestinians has a long history, with recent developments including threats of resignation from a centrist member of Israel's War Cabinet if a new plan for the war in Gaza is not adopted. The conflict involves goals of dismantling Hamas, returning hostages, and establishing an international administration in Gaza.

Israeli Military Operations in Gaza Strip

Israeli troops and tanks push into congested parts of northern Gaza Strip, killing and wounding dozens of Palestinians. The recovery of hostages' bodies and ongoing military operations continue in the region.

Impact of President Biden's Decision on Israel-Hamas Conflict

Rep. Jared Moskowitz criticizes President Biden's decision to withhold certain weapons from Israel, believing it takes pressure off Hamas and hinders efforts to achieve a ceasefire and provide aid to Gaza.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians in the Middle East

Israel says it has recovered the bodies of three people killed in a Hamas-led attack that triggered the invasion of the Gaza Strip, with more than 130 hostages still inside Gaza. The conflict has resulted in over 35,000 Palestinian deaths and the Gaza Strip being reduced to ruins.

Israeli-Hamas Conflict in Gaza

Israeli forces in Gaza recover bodies of three revelers killed by Hamas near music festival. Families devastated by loss, with over 250 people taken hostage during the attack. Israeli operations expanding in Rafah, leading to displacement of Palestinian civilians.

EU Urges Israel to End Military Operation in Gaza's Rafah

The European Union urges Israel to end its military operation in Gaza's Rafah immediately to prevent further humanitarian crises and strain on EU-Israel relations.

Israeli Right-Wing Activists Attack Gaza-Bound Aid Trucks

Israeli right-wing activists attacked and ransacked Gaza-bound humanitarian aid trucks, leading to arrests and condemnation from Washington. The attack was in response to Hamas holding Israeli hostages, resulting in a violent conflict between the two sides.

Israeli singer faces backlash at Eurovision for honoring hostages

Israeli singer Eden Golan faced hostility at Eurovision for her song honoring hostages held by Hamas, but received support upon returning home. She came in second in the popular vote and fifth overall. Fellow participants showed disrespect towards her during the contest.

Accusations against President Joe Biden in the Israel-Hamas Conflict

President Joe Biden is accused of siding with Hamas in the Israel-Hamas conflict, withholding foreign aid to win re-election, and prioritizing his political base over American and Israeli hostages held by Hamas.

Israeli Hostage Crisis in Gaza

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces competing pressures at home and abroad regarding the operation to defeat Hamas in Rafah and bring Israeli hostages home.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians in Rafah

The Israeli military ordered tens of thousands of displaced Palestinians in Rafah to evacuate amid escalating conflict with the Palestinian Hamas movement. Negotiations for a cease-fire and hostage deal between Israel and Hamas remain stuck on key issues. Israel launched air strikes on Rafah after Hamas killed four Israeli troops with rockets. The situation is tense and humanitarian aid is needed in the region.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians in the Middle East

The latest round of Gaza cease-fire talks ended without an agreement, as Israel and Hamas continue to have conflicting demands. Israel closed its main crossing point for delivering aid to Gaza after Hamas attacks. The United Nations warned of a possible famine in Gaza due to restrictions on aid entering the territory. The conflict has resulted in civilian casualties and hostages on both sides.

Cease-fire negotiations between Hamas and Israel in Gaza

High-level Hamas delegation in Cairo for talks on cease-fire and hostage release deal as Israel threatens ground offensive in Gaza's Rafah. Negotiations ongoing with signs of compromise but no deal yet. Humanitarian crisis looms if military assault on Rafah occurs. US opposes invasion, warns of consequences for Israel. War sparked by Hamas attacks, resulted in deaths, hostages, and humanitarian disaster in Gaza.

Ceasefire negotiations between Hamas and Israel

Hamas sending delegation to Cairo to discuss truce and hostage release, amidst ongoing ceasefire talks with Israel. U.S. CIA Director in Cairo for mediation. Progress reported in negotiations.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians in Rafah, Gaza

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vows to invade Rafah, Gaza, to release remaining hostages held captive by Hamas. International pressure mounts to prevent civilian casualties and escalation of conflict.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's Pledge to Launch Incursion into Gaza City

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledges to launch an incursion into Gaza city of Rafah, regardless of truce negotiations with Hamas, in an effort to eliminate Hamas' presence

Truce Talks Between Israel and Hamas

International pressure is mounting for Israel and Hamas to reach a cease-fire deal, with negotiations ongoing in Egypt. Israel's military plans an offensive in Rafah, while Prime Minister Netanyahu faces pressure from the political right to reject any deal. The families of hostages held in Gaza are also urging for a resolution.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Faces Pressure Over Gaza Conflict

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces pressure from all sides over the ongoing war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, with calls for a cease-fire to bring home remaining hostages and end the devastating conflict. Diplomatic efforts are underway to secure a truce, but challenges remain as Netanyahu weighs the fate of hostages against his mission to destroy Hamas.

Cease-Fire Negotiations in Gaza

U.S. and Arab leaders are pushing for a cease-fire and hostage release deal to prevent an Israeli attack on Gaza's Rafah city. Talks are ongoing with hopes of releasing hostages and reaching a temporary cease-fire agreement. The situation remains tense as both sides weigh their options.

Israel-Hamas Hostage Crisis in Gaza

Pressure mounts on Israel and Hamas to reach a deal over hostages in Gaza as signs of possible invasion emerge. World leaders respond.

Hamas releases new footage of hostages

Hamas released new footage of hostages, the first time captives have been seen since October 7th. Family reaction and efforts to bring hostages home are highlighted.

Israel at War - Day 196

Left-wing activists protest in front of the US embassy in Tel Aviv, demanding an end to the war in Gaza. Israel faces international opposition over potential military actions. Reports of Israeli strikes on Iran prompt international airlines to cancel flights. Biden administration considers over $1 billion in new weapons deals for Israel. Families of hostages in Gaza gather for a human train protest along Israel's coast.

Hostage Crisis in Gaza

More than six months since Hamas militants attacked Israel and seized over 250 hostages, it remains unclear how many captives are still alive in Gaza. The uncertainty is causing anguish among families and stalling negotiations for a hostage-cease-fire deal.

Iranian Drone Attack on Israel and Hostage Situation with Hamas

Iran launched drones from its territory against Israel, leading to heightened tensions and military preparedness. Hostages held by Hamas remain a focal point of conflict.

British Foreign Secretary's Support for Israel Amidst War with Hamas

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron discusses Britain's support for Israel in the midst of the war with Iran-backed Hamas terrorists. He emphasizes the evil and brutality of Israel's enemies, the efforts to preserve civilian life, and the need to destroy Hamas and secure the release of hostages. Cameron criticizes President Biden and Democrats for not standing firmly with Israel.

Challenging Qatar's Status as a Major Non-NATO Ally

Three Republican senators introduced a bill challenging Qatar's status as a major non-NATO ally due to its close relationship with Hamas and failure to help free hostages. The bill would require the Secretary of State to assess the alliance and potentially terminate it.

President Joe Biden's Call for Ceasefire in Gaza

President Joe Biden calls for Israel to accept a unilateral ceasefire in Gaza for six to eight weeks before the remaining Israeli hostages are set free by Hamas. Biden's remarks aired by Univision last week demonstrate a major policy shift in favor of a ceasefire, undercutting Israeli negotiators and explicitly adopting Hamas' terms.

Analysis of Hamas rejecting deals to release hostages

Sen. Tim Kaine suggests that Hamas may be rejecting deals to release hostages in order to prevent them from revealing how they were brutalized by Hamas. He also believes Hamas wants the conflict with Israel to continue in order to create political turmoil.

Israeli Operation in Rafah

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu underscores military commitment to destroy Hamas, despite calls for cease-fire and opposition to further invasion. Ongoing talks with U.S., U.K., and Qatar to secure release of hostages.

Israel-funded Super Bowl Ad Sparks FCC Complaints

An Israel-funded Super Bowl ad sparked FCC complaints for not properly disclosing it was paid for by the Israeli government, leading to concerns about foreign propaganda on American airwaves.

Israeli offensive in Gaza

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu sets date for offensive in Gaza; Biden Administration opposes and pressures for cease-fire negotiations and hostage release by Hamas. NBC News reports.

Israel-Hamas Conflict and Hostage Situation

The article discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, focusing on efforts to secure the release of hostages and potential cease-fire talks. It also covers Israel's military actions in Gaza and the frustration over government inaction. White House comments on Israeli troop withdrawal are mentioned as well.

Israeli Protests and Public Opinion on the War with Hamas

Protests in Israel are gaining momentum as people demand the return of hostages taken during Hamas attacks. Dissatisfaction with Prime Minister Netanyahu is high across the political spectrum, with different perceptions on his leadership. Israelis prioritize bringing back hostages over concerns for the suffering in Gaza.

Conflict between Israel and Gaza

Armed terrorists from Gaza Strip entered Israel, causing a devastating massacre resulting in 1,200 deaths and 250 hostages taken by Hamas. This led to ongoing war, with Israel aiming to free hostages and destroy Hamas. The situation has caused international condemnation, protests against Israeli Prime Minister, and fears of conflict with Iran. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is severe, with millions displaced and facing starvation. There are concerns about escalating violence and the lack of a clear victor in the conflict.

American Hostages Held by Hamas in Gaza

American families of hostages held by Hamas in Gaza urge President Biden to act quickly for their release, fearing a partial deal could be a death sentence for their loved ones. Talks for a release deal stalled, with 133 hostages estimated to still be in the Gaza Strip.

Israel-Hamas Conflict Aftermath

Israel finds itself in a far different place six months after declaring war against Hamas, bogged down in Gaza, divided domestically, isolated internationally, and increasingly at odds with its closest ally. The risk of a broader regional war remains real.

Israel-Hamas War

The Israel-Hamas war has been ongoing for half a year, resulting in significant destruction and loss of life on both sides.

Rep. Josh Gottheimer's comments on Hamas attacks on Israel

Rep. Josh Gottheimer highlights the ongoing attacks by Hamas on Israel and emphasizes the need to focus on securing the release of hostages and providing humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Americans Held in Gaza

Family members of Americans held in Gaza speak about their lives since the attack on Oct. 7, the conditions faced by the hostages, and the urgent need for a cease-fire agreement for their freedom.

Families of American Hostages Kidnapped by Hamas in Israel

Families of American citizens kidnapped by Hamas in Israel plead for international focus on hostages as conflict in Gaza continues, condemning Israeli military strike and urging for release of hostages. They express anguish over the situation and fear the worst for their loved ones still in captivity.

Israeli Protests Against Government Handling of Israel-Hamas War

Tens of thousands of Israelis protest against the government's handling of the Israel-Hamas war, demanding a cease-fire and early elections. Hostages' families are critical of Prime Minister Netanyahu's leadership and handling of negotiations. Netanyahu faces corruption charges and opposition as he vows to destroy Hamas and recover the hostages. The war has deepened divisions in Israeli society and led to economic concerns due to ongoing conflict.

Protest in Jerusalem for Cease-Fire Deal and Hostage Release

Tens of thousands of Israelis protest in Jerusalem demanding a cease-fire deal to free hostages held by Hamas. Divisions arise over Prime Minister Netanyahu's leadership and failures in hostage negotiations. International mediators struggle to reach a breakthrough. Families of hostages express growing displeasure with the government.

Discussion on the Israel-Hamas War

Sen. Rick Scott criticizes the Biden administration's stance on the Israel-Hamas war, while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to invade Rafah despite pressures from Ramadan and Washington. Netanyahu vows to eliminate Hamas battalions in Rafah to secure victory.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Israel is waiting on the outskirts of Rafah, the last Hamas stronghold, due to concerns about hostages and warnings from President Biden. There are speculations about Biden's true motives and the potential outcomes of the conflict.

UNSC Resolution on Ceasefire in Gaza

The United Nations Security Council passed a non-binding resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, demanding the release of hostages by Hamas until the end of Ramadan. The resolution focused on humanitarian assistance and protection of civilians, but did not condemn Hamas for holding hostages. The US abstained from the vote, causing displeasure among some parties.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Cancels Meeting with White House Officials

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled a meeting with White House officials after the U.S. abstained on UNSC Resolution 2728, which called for a ceasefire without linking it to the release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas. Netanyahu criticized the U.S. for departing from its previous stance on the issue.

UN Security Council Resolution on Gaza Ceasefire and U.S. Job Market

The UN Security Council passed a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza during Ramadan and the release of hostages. Unemployment rates have risen in some key U.S. states. Former President Trump given 10 more days to post bond in civil fraud case.

Ceasefire Negotiations between Israel and Hamas

Israel believes chances of ceasefire deal with Hamas are 50/50, awaiting Hamas response to proposal. Growing international consensus for ceasefire. U.N. Secretary-General warns of humanitarian disaster if Rafah is assaulted.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians in the Middle East

Secretary of State Antony Blinken is working on a potential cease-fire in Gaza during his visit to the Middle East, with talks on releasing Israeli hostages held by Hamas. The U.S. is also introducing a new resolution on Gaza to the United Nations Security Council, supporting a cease-fire tied to a hostage release.

Efforts for Ceasefire in Israel-Hamas Conflict

The United States is pressing for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, tied to the release of hostages. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is leading the effort with the support of Qatar and Egypt.