Illegal Border Crossers in New York City

Illegal border crossers in New York City are receiving thousands of dollars in free rent while citizens pay high prices for tiny apartments. The federal government profits from migrants, while state and local governments incur losses.

Controversy over Mayor Eric Adams' plan to give pre-paid debit cards to illegal border crossers in NYC shelters

Mayor Eric Adams proposed a plan to give illegal border crossers in city shelters pre-paid debit cards to buy food, prompting city council members to call for an investigation into the scheme. The $53 million program would allow migrants to spend $35 per day on food. The no-bid contract awarded to launch the program raised concerns among council members.

Controversy over Roxbury community center being used to house illegal border crossers

The city of Boston shut down a community center in the predominantly black Roxbury neighborhood to house illegal border crossers, angering local families. Similar actions have been taken in other Democrat-led cities like Chicago and New York City.