Passing of Maori King Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII

New Zealand's Maori King Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII passed away at age 69 after heart surgery. He succeeded his mother as Maori monarch in 2006. The role is ceremonial and not hereditary. The King Movement aims to unite indigenous tribes against colonialism.

Restoring America's Only Native Bamboo, Rivercane

Efforts are being made to restore rivercane, America's only native bamboo, which was once plentiful along riverbanks but faded due to agriculture. Rivercane is important for Indigenous tribes and the environment, providing habitat for wildlife and stabilizing stream banks.

Transboundary Water Pollution Agreement Between U.S., Canada, and Indigenous Peoples

The U.S. and tribal governments make progress in reducing transboundary water pollution from contaminated coal mine runoff in British Columbia affecting Montana and Idaho. This agreement may signal a breakthrough in the long-standing issue of pollution from Canadian mines leaching selenium into U.S. rivers.