Cicadas infected by a mysterious fungus

Reports of a mysterious fungus infecting cicadas causing abnormal sexual behaviors, referred to as 'zombies', but experts clarify that there is nothing to worry about as the fungus is harmless to humans and only affects cicadas.

Cicadas infected by 'zombie' fungus

Cicadas from brood XIX are being infected by a fungus that turns them into 'sex-crazed zombies' by tearing off their genitals but driving them to keep mating. The fungus replaces the cicada's backend with a 'chalky white gum drop' and keeps them alive to spread spores. Infected cicadas become hypersexual and even pretend to be females to mate with other males. The fungus also produces a stimulant that possibly makes the cicadas 'high out of their minds.' The infection doesn't pose a risk to humans.

H5N1 Bird Flu Case in Australia

A child in Australia is the first confirmed case of H5N1 bird flu in the country, contracted in India and recovered. No further cases linked. Bird flu also detected on a farm in Victoria. Health officials emphasize low risk to general population.

Longest Covid Infection Duration in an Immunocompromised Patient

An elderly man in Amsterdam, who was immunocompromised, had a Covid infection for 613 days, during which the virus mutated around 50 times. This case highlights the potential dangers of prolonged infections in vulnerable patients.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1) Outbreak in Texas

A person in Texas tested positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1 bird flu) after exposure to infected dairy cattle. CDC reassures low risk to the general public. Cases of bird flu in dairy cows reported in Texas, Kansas, and Michigan. H5N1 was first identified in 1997 outbreak in Hong Kong. CDC monitoring people in contact with infected animals for symptoms.

Bird flu in dairy cows

Bird flu detected in cattle in several states for the first time, infecting dairy cows.

Norwegian King Harald V Hospitalized in Malaysia

Norwegian King Harald V is being treated for an infection in Langkawi, Malaysia, with a medical evacuation plane arriving to assist. His condition is improving, and he is expected to remain in the hospital for a few more days before returning home.