Dengue Virus Infections in the Americas

CDC issues warning about record-breaking number of dengue virus infections in the Americas, with over 9.7 million cases reported in 2024.

Increased Risk of Dengue Fever Infections in the United States

The CDC issued a health advisory about the increased risk of dengue fever infections in the United States due to a higher number of cases reported this year, especially in Puerto Rico. Dengue fever cases have been on the rise globally, with Latin American countries being heavily affected. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, with potential life-threatening complications. Prevention methods include using insect repellent, wearing protective clothing, and staying in air-conditioned places.

Raw Milk Consumption in America

The debate over raw milk in America is intensifying, with a growing number of consumers opting for unpasteurized milk despite public health warnings. Supporters claim it has various health benefits, while opponents cite the risks of harmful bacteria and infections. The issue has sparked a culture war and political divide, with calls to repeal bans on raw milk sales gaining traction in some states.

Outbreak of E. coli Infections at Lake Anna

Nearly 100 people across 22 states have been sickened by a surge of brutal gastrointestinal illnesses reported in children who were at a popular lake over Memorial Day weekend. Health officials in Virginia are investigating the cases of Escherichia coli (E. coli) infections, with some individuals ending up in the hospital.

Avian Flu Infections in Cows and Humans

A Texas dairy worker tested positive for avian flu, the second human case in the US. Experts are concerned about potential cow-to-cow transmission in Idaho. The virus has infected cows in several states, but there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission. Government agencies are monitoring the situation closely and have vaccines available for avian flu.