Hunter Biden's Conviction and Deeper Scandal

Hunter Biden convicted of three felonies related to illegal firearm possession, but deeper scandal involves allegations of peddling influence through his father, President Joe Biden, with upcoming trial for tax evasion. Trial outcome may impact November elections.

NPR and Hunter Biden Laptop Story

NPR senior business editor admits Hunter Biden laptop story was newsworthy and reveals a connection to corrupt influence peddling, criticizes NPR for turning a blind eye and not admitting their misjudgment when the laptop was confirmed as real.

Biden Family Business Dealings and House Impeachment Inquiry

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer invites President Biden to testify as part of the impeachment inquiry regarding alleged influence peddling and foreign funds received by the Biden family. Evidence suggests contradictory statements by Biden and possible involvement in self-enrichment schemes.

Biden Family Business Investigation

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer asks President Joe Biden to appear before the Committee to answer questions about contradictions in the Biden family business dealings. Biden is implicated in pay-for-influence schemes involving foreign nationals.

Alleged Abuse of Office by President Joe Biden

The House Oversight Committee will hold a hearing on President Joe Biden’s alleged abuse of office and influence peddling for his family’s business dealings on Wednesday, March 20.

House Oversight Committee Chairman invites Hunter Biden and associates to testify at public hearing

House Oversight Committee Chairman invites Hunter Biden and his business associates to testify at a public hearing to examine inconsistencies in their testimonies regarding President Biden's alleged involvement in family business dealings.

GOP lawmakers discuss Biden family influence peddling and impeachment inquiry

GOP lawmakers discuss impeachment inquiry against President Biden, emphasizing investigation into Biden family influence peddling. FBI informant indicted for false information regarding Bidens' ties to Ukrainian energy company. House investigators interview Hunter Biden's ex-business associate in prison.