Inmates facing attempted murder charges in Montana jail

Two inmates at a Montana county jail are facing attempted murder charges after allegedly attacking corrections officers with makeshift weapons. They pleaded not guilty and could be sentenced to life in prison if convicted.

Inmates Escape from Tangipahoa Parish Jail

Four inmates escaped from a jail east of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with two being taken back into custody after being found in a dumpster behind a Dollar General store.

Inmates Escape from Tangipahoa Parish Jail in Louisiana

Four inmates escaped from Tangipahoa Parish Jail in Louisiana by slipping through a vulnerable section of the perimeter fence. The inmates were in jail for various crimes including homicide and armed robbery.

Alabama bill to allow state inmates to speak at parole hearings

A bill in Alabama would allow state inmates to speak by phone or video conference at their parole hearings, with an amendment to allow victims and law enforcement officials to participate electronically.

Police dog killed by MS-13 gang members at Virginia state prison

A police dog named Rivan was stabbed and killed while protecting an officer from MS-13 gang members at a state prison in Virginia. The inmates involved were affiliated with MS-13 and were in the US illegally. The dog's sacrifice is being honored with a memorial service.

New York Inmates Allowed to Watch Solar Eclipse

Six New York inmates sued the corrections department to watch the total solar eclipse on April 8, claiming it infringed on their religious rights. They reached a settlement allowing them to view the event. Inmates' religious beliefs and charges vary.

Inmates in New York Sue for Right to View Solar Eclipse During Prison Lockdown

Six inmates in New York are suing for the right to view the total solar eclipse, citing religious significance, despite a statewide prison lockdown. The inmates argue that not allowing them to witness the eclipse infringes upon their constitutional religious rights.

Inmates in New York sue over prison lockdown during solar eclipse

Inmates in New York are suing the state corrections department over a lockdown during the solar eclipse, arguing it violates their right to practice their faiths. The lawsuit involves six inmates with varying religious backgrounds at Woodbourne Correctional Facility.

Church leaders serving marginalized communities

Rev. Lauren Bennett leads a church serving the LGBTQ+ community, while Father Gerry Kleba talks about ministering to inmates on death row in Missouri.

Muslims in Prisons in England and Wales

Muslims make up a disproportionately high percentage of the prison population in England and Wales, with white Muslims being overrepresented. Some attribute this to forced conversions within prison gangs, while others deny this claim.

New York Bill Offering Inmates Money Upon Release

New bill in New York proposes offering inmates leaving prison around $2,600 to help them reintegrate into society, sparking debate among lawmakers.

Violent Gang Activity in Haiti

Haiti declares a state of emergency and imposes a curfew after violent attacks by gangs, including the freeing of inmates from prisons. The country faces a surge in violence, with multiple state institutions targeted and escalating conflict between gangs and authorities.

Challenges faced by women in prisons due to housing transgender inmates

Former female inmate speaks out about the challenges faced by women in prisons due to the housing of transgender inmates, highlighting the lack of rights and safety concerns for female prisoners.