Hunter Biden's Laptop Controversy

Former intelligence officials who signed a letter warning about Hunter Biden's laptop being Russian disinformation are either declining to retract or doubling down despite it being used in his criminal trial. The letter remains controversial, with some defending it as patriotic and necessary vigilance against foreign interference.

Hunter Biden Laptop Story

Former intelligence officials and media personalities initially claimed that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation, but later evidence showed it to be real. The story was widely dismissed before the 2020 election but has since gained credibility.

Former CIA Director's Donation to Nikki Haley's Presidential Campaign

Former CIA Director Michael Morell donated to Nikki Haley's presidential campaign despite his involvement in spreading misinformation about Hunter Biden's laptop. Haley opposes many America First policies and has ties to neoconservative groups. Many high-ranking former intelligence officials are backing Haley's campaign.