Israeli Forces in Gaza

Israeli forces continue to push deeper into the southern Gaza city of Rafah despite international pressure and a deadly weekend attack on a tent city. The White House is monitoring the situation closely.

Food insecurity in Gaza

More than half of Gaza's population is facing severe food insecurity due to limited aid access despite international pressure on Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's Press Conference on Gaza Conflict and Domestic Issues

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emphasized Israel's determination to continue fighting in Gaza despite international pressure. He condemned a terror attack in the West Bank and highlighted the need for unity among Israelis. Netanyahu also addressed the issue of military draft and rejected the idea of calling early elections amidst the ongoing war.

Alexei Navalny's Death and Body Return

The body of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has been handed over to his mother after his unexpected death in an Arctic penal colony. His widow accused President Vladimir Putin of mocking Christianity by trying to force a secret funeral. Prominent Russians and Western nations have called for the body's return, leading to detentions of supporters and accusations against Putin.