President Biden's D-Day Speech and Senator Mitch McConnell's Reflection

President Biden and Senator Mitch McConnell reflect on D-Day and urge support for Ukraine in the face of global tensions. McConnell warns against isolationism and emphasizes the importance of alliances and global responsibilities.

The Importance of U.S. Global Focus and Avoiding Isolationism

Historian Andrew Roberts discusses the importance of the United States maintaining a global focus and avoiding isolationism in the face of threats from 'axis of evil states'.

Shift in U.S. Foreign Policy towards Ukraine

Former President Donald Trump and his allies in Congress are using the slogan “America First” to argue against sending military aid to Ukraine, echoing isolationist sentiment seen before America entered World War II. This shift in foreign policy approach has led to growing skepticism of providing aid to Ukraine among GOP voters and a rise in isolationist, protectionist outlook on the right.