U.S. Military Withdrawal from Niger

The United States handed its last military base in Niger over to the ruling military junta, completing a pullout ordered by Niger's rulers in March. The U.S. deployment had already been substantially reduced after the elected government of Niger was overthrown by a junta. The handover of Airbase 201 was announced on Monday, following the complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from Airbase 101.

Myanmar Military Base Loss to Rebels

Myanmar's junta lost communication with senior officers at a major military base near the Chinese border after rebels took control, marking a significant defeat for the ruling generals.

Conflict in Burma between Armed Ethnic Groups and the Junta

Armed ethnic groups in Burma are fighting the ruling junta to hold strategic locations, with the outcome potentially determining the fate of the country. The junta is facing battlefield defeats and losing control of territories, leading to a challenging situation. The upcoming monsoon season may impact military operations on both sides.

Expulsion of French diplomats in Burkina Faso

The military Junta in Burkina Faso has expelled three French diplomats for alleged subversive activities, leading to deteriorating relations between the two countries.

Burma Resistance Against Military Rule

A resistance group in Burma repelled an attempt by junta troops to advance on the key town of Myawaddy along the Thai border. The resistance is part of a nationwide armed movement against the military that seized power in 2021.

Myanmar military faces defeats as resistance gains control of key border town

Myanmar's military faces defeats as anti-junta resistance groups gain control of key border town, Myawaddy. The military has suffered losses in various frontier areas since the 2021 coup. The resistance forces, including the Karen National Union, are making significant advances.

Drone Attacks on Military Targets in Myanmar

Opponents of army rule in Myanmar carried out drone attacks on two military targets in Naypyitaw, potentially damaging the credibility of the military junta.