Sports Illustrated's publishing deal and Iceland volcano eruption

Sports Illustrated secures a major deal to continue publishing despite laying off most of its staff and facing an AI scandal. Meanwhile, a volcano in Iceland erupts for the fourth time in four months, causing lava to flow across southern Iceland.

Volcanic Eruption in Iceland

A volcano erupted in Iceland's Reykjavik peninsula, near the abandoned town of Grindavik, leading to a state of emergency being declared. This was the fourth eruption in three months, with residents being evacuated as a precaution.

Volcano Eruption in Iceland

A volcano in Iceland erupted for the fourth time in three months, sending lava into the night sky. The eruption opened a fissure about 3 kilometers long between Stóra-Skógfell and Hagafell mountains. Hundreds were evacuated from the Blue Lagoon thermal spa, and Grindavik was evacuated due to volcanic activity. No flight disruptions were reported at Keflavik airport.