Presidential Debate between Trump and Biden on Fox News Channel

Discussion on how the two candidates, Trump and Biden, are preparing for the CNN Presidential Debate on Fox News Channel. Trump aiming to win over traditional Democrat voters while Biden needs to defend his policies. Both candidates face challenges in appealing to persuadable voters.

Criticism of the Left's Use of Lawfare Against Donald Trump

Sen. Marsha Blackburn criticizes the left's use of lawfare against former President Donald Trump, stating that it has backfired and angered many citizens. She emphasizes the importance of voting and participation in the upcoming elections.

Megyn Kelly warns Democrats about using lawfare against former presidents

Megyn Kelly warns Democrats about the consequences of using lawfare against former presidents after Donald Trump is found guilty on all 34 counts in his business records trial. She predicts that Republicans may seek revenge on big-time Democrats in the future.

Criticism of guilty verdict in Donald Trump's business records trial

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan criticizes guilty verdict in Donald Trump's business records trial, calling it a travesty of justice and claiming it is a result of a biased process. Trump allies label the trial as 'rigged' and 'lawfare.' Jordan continues investigations into President Biden's family business dealings.

Donald Trump's business records trial and sentencing date

Former President Donald Trump found guilty on all 34 counts in business records trial, with sentencing set 4 days before GOP Convention, sparking claims of election interference. Trump Jr. and other Republicans allege the trial is a sham and a form of election interference by the radical left.

Biden Administration's 'Lawfare' Tactics Against Trump

The Biden administration is using federal government resources and taxpayer money to conduct legal prosecutions against former President Donald Trump, which is seen as a tactic called 'lawfare.' The Government Accountability Institute has outlined the White House's involvement in these prosecutions, showing a coordinated effort to hobble Trump's political campaign.

Impact of lawfare against Donald Trump on President Joe Biden

Cases of lawfare against former President Donald Trump are not helping President Joe Biden according to a survey from Harvard-Harris. Different scenarios show a 50-50 split or favor Trump in a hypothetical Biden-Trump election if Trump is convicted of mishandling documents, RICO charges, or inciting Capitol riots.

Public Opinion on Legal Prosecutions of Donald Trump

A Harvard-Harris poll shows that most voters believe Democrats are using the legal system to politically damage former President Donald Trump. The poll also indicates that a majority of voters think Trump's trials in Democratic jurisdictions should be moved to avoid bias.

Stephen A. Smith criticizes liberals for targeting Donald Trump with nuisance lawsuits

Stephen A. Smith criticizes liberals for launching nuisance lawsuits against Donald Trump, claiming they are scared to beat him on the issues. He believes these actions will only fuel Trump's base and hinder peace in the country.