Exposure of Liberal Bias at NPR

Former NPR editor Uri Berliner resigned after exposing alleged liberal bias at NPR. He has joined The Free Press, founded by Bari Weiss, to engage in independent journalism.

Resignation of NPR Editor Uri Berliner

Longtime NPR editor Uri Berliner resigns after blowing the whistle on liberal bias at NPR, citing issues with the new CEO and the organization's coverage of various topics.

NPR Senior Editor Suspension and CEO Controversy

NPR senior editor Uri Berliner was suspended for criticizing liberal bias at the organization and questioning the suitability of CEO Katherine Maher. Maher's past social media posts show progressive views and support for Clinton and Biden.

NPR Editor Suspended for Criticizing Liberal Bias

NPR has suspended veteran editor Uri Berliner after he criticized the news organization's liberal bias, sparking controversy and internal reviews. Berliner accused NPR of lacking viewpoint diversity and embracing left-leaning narratives.

NPR President Katherine Maher under fire for liberal bias

NPR President Katherine Maher under fire for past tweets revealing liberal bias, responds to criticism from senior editor about NPR's left-leaning reporting. Critics call to 'defund NPR.'

NPR Accused of Liberal Bias

NPR is facing internal turmoil and criticism from conservatives after a senior editor accused the broadcaster of liberal bias. The editor, Uri Berliner, criticized NPR's coverage and internal culture in an essay published on The Free Press. NPR has defended its work and inclusion efforts, but the essay has sparked controversy.

The Fairness Doctrine and Net Neutrality in the U.S. Government

The Fairness Doctrine, implemented by the U.S. government in 1949, was used to restrict conservative speech while allowing liberal bias. It was eventually repealed in 1987, leading to a surge of conservative expression on the airwaves. The concept of Net Neutrality has emerged as a modern-day version of the Fairness Doctrine, with debates over government control of the internet and the potential impact on free speech. The recent move by the Biden administration to revive Net Neutrality has sparked controversy over government interference in online communication.

Backlash over NBC News hiring and firing of Ronna McDaniel

NBC News faced backlash for hiring and then firing former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel as a paid contributor. Liberal stars like Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid were furious with the decision, claiming it was not about politics but about credibility and truth. The incident highlighted the left-leaning bias of NBC News and its preference for certain voices over others.