Princess Kate's public appearance and Houthi rebels' attack on a commercial ship

Princess Kate will make a public appearance since undergoing cancer treatment. Yemen’s Houthi rebels launched anti-ship cruise missiles at a commercial ship in the Gulf of Aden, wounding one mariner. The Houthis have been targeting shipping in the Red Sea corridor as part of their campaign.

Piracy in the Gulf of Aden

Twenty armed people have boarded a cargo ship off the coast of Somalia, latest in a series of attacks by Somali pirates. The ship is a Bangladesh-flagged bulk carrier heading to the UAE. The crew's whereabouts are unknown.

Houthi Terrorist Attacks on Global Shipping

The Defense Minister of the Houthi terrorist organization celebrated the disruption of global shipping in the Red Sea, targeting ships from various nations including the U.S., Britain, and Israel. The attacks have significantly impacted shipping costs. The Houthis share funding and support from Iran and have a strong anti-Jewish sentiment. They have broken promises not to target non-Israeli affiliated ships and continue to threaten maritime security in the region.

Greece's Participation in EU Maritime Security Operation in Red Sea

A boat carrying tourists off the coast of Greece was engulfed in flames, but everyone was able to safely return to land. Greece has agreed to lead a European Union maritime security operation in the Red Sea to protect commercial shipping from attacks by Houthi militants in Yemen.

Military Strikes in Yemen

The United States and British military conducted airstrikes on 18 targets in Yemen in response to Iranian-backed Houthi rebels' attacks on ships in the Red Sea.