Mass Graves Unearthed in Gaza

Mass graves unearthed in Gaza reveal horrifying atrocities, overshadowed by media focus on anti-war protests at college campuses. Lack of coverage and outrage regarding the discovery of 390 bodies, including women and children, raises questions about war crimes and accountability.

Mass graves discovered at Nasser Hospital in Gaza

Palestinian authorities are uncovering bodies at mass graves in Gaza's Nasser Hospital with signs of being shot in the head, hands bound, stripped, or buried in hospital gowns with tubes. Israel denies wrongdoing but acknowledges exhuming bodies to search for hostages. U.N. and U.S. officials call for investigation into possible war crimes.

Mass Graves in Rwanda 30 Years After Genocide

Rwanda continues to find mass graves 30 years after the genocide, with at least 1,000 people's remains discovered. The country faces challenges in reconciliation and lasting peace. The article discusses the ongoing search for mass graves and the impact on survivors and communities.

Drug Cartel Mass Graves in Colima, Mexico

Government officials in the Mexican state of Colima are silent about new mass graves potentially holding up to 170 bodies, believed to be linked to drug cartels. The region is labeled as dangerous by the U.S. Department of State due to widespread violence.