Internal Crisis and High-Profile Departures at Politico

High-profile employees are leaving Politico amid internal drama and changes in leadership. Politico's future is uncertain as it tries to adapt to a turbulent media environment. The company's attempt to recapture its earlier success is hindered by internal conflicts.

Cancellation of Tucker Carlson Biography Book

A major publisher canceled a book on Tucker Carlson due to his declining cultural footprint, despite his past popularity. The cancellation reflects the challenges faced by political books in the Biden era and the changing media landscape.

Partisan-backed Websites vs Local Newspapers in the U.S.

Partisan-backed websites designed to look like impartial news outlets now outnumber real local newspapers in the U.S., indicating a clear attempt to influence politics. There are over 1,200 such websites identified, with eight primary organizations supporting most of them. The decline of local newspapers has created an opportunity for political actors to exploit the media landscape.

TV News Anchors Trust Poll

A new poll conducted by THR/Morning Consult shows that Lester Holt leads in trust among TV news anchors, with other network TV hosts also scoring high. Cable news hosts like Anderson Cooper and Chris Wallace also have high trust ratings. The poll also reveals the highly polarized audiences of different news networks and the importance of trust and entertainment in news consumption.

Challenges in Indian Media Landscape

The documentary 'While We Watched' follows journalist Ravish Kumar's struggles in a polarized Indian media landscape, where he was targeted for questioning the government. The film highlights challenges faced by journalists and the decline of investigative journalism in India.

Juan Williams responds to NPR editor's criticism of bias and lack of diversity

Juan Williams, a former NPR news analyst, responds to a senior NPR editor's criticism of the news organization's bias and lack of viewpoint diversity. Williams recounts his firing over a decade ago for expressing concerns about Muslim garb post-9/11. He comments on the polarized media landscape post-Trump and NPR's left-leaning audience. Fox News Digital's David Rutz contributed to the report.