Tim Walz's Military Rank Controversy

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz had his military rank reduced from command sergeant major to master sergeant after retiring, but continued to falsely claim the higher rank for nearly two decades. Despite official National Guard documents correcting his record, he has persisted in claiming the higher rank in political ads and official biographies.

Military Service Controversy

Gov. Tim Walz allegedly made a challenge coin with a higher military rank than he earned, leading to questions about his military service claims.

Misrepresentation of Military Rank

The Wall Street Journal reported that Tim Walz falsely claimed to have retired as a Command Sergeant Major (E-9) when he actually retired as a Master Sergeant (E-8). Despite accurate reporting, Walz continued to misrepresent his retirement rank.

Misrepresentation of Military Service by Gov. Tim Walz

The official bio of Gov. Tim Walz inflated his military rank, falsely claiming he retired as a command sergeant major and served in Iraq. He was actually demoted and retired as a master sergeant for benefit purposes. He also bailed out on his unit before deployment to Iraq.

Military Rank Controversy of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz listed a higher military rank than the one he retired with on his official bio, drawing criticism and accusations of stolen valor.