Controversy Surrounding the LASAR App in Los Angeles Unified School District

Advocacy groups are suing the Los Angeles Unified School District over the LASAR app, alleging it creates a culture of suspicion and disproportionately targets minorities and disabled individuals.

Political Commentary on Race Relations in America

American actress Jenifer Lewis accuses Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., of lying and rants about civil rights icons including Rosa Parks and Emmett Till at rally for Senate candidate Rep. Val Demings, D-Fla.

India's General Election 2024

The article discusses India's upcoming general election, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi, known for his Hindu nationalist views, faces a broad opposition alliance. It highlights the key issues, candidates, and the potential impact of the election on India's democracy and economy.

Equity Efforts in Illinois

Despite heavy emphasis on 'equity' for minorities by Democrats in Illinois since 2019, a report finds that the state ranks poorly in minority well-being despite government spending on 'equity' initiatives.

Attorney General Merrick Garland's stance on voter ID laws

Attorney General Merrick Garland vows to fight voter ID laws, calling them discriminatory and unnecessary, while speaking in Selma, Alabama. He emphasized the importance of protecting voting rights for minorities and criticized practices that make voting more difficult.