Latino Unemployment Rate under President Joe Biden

President Joe Biden recently claimed that under his presidency, the Latino unemployment rate reached the lowest in a 'long, long time,' but in reality, it was the lowest since September 2019. The rate has since increased to 5% as of February 2024.

Job Creation Claims by President Joe Biden

President Joe Biden claimed to have created a record 15 million new jobs during his State of the Union address, but this claim is misleading as only five million jobs have been added since the pre-coronavirus pandemic economy. The job growth numbers are distorted by historic job losses due to the pandemic.

President Joe Biden's Claim on Federal Deficit Reduction

President Joe Biden claimed to have cut the federal deficit by over one trillion dollars during his State of the Union address, but this statement is misleading as it only considers his deficit cut against his own deficit spending.

False Claim about Insulin Cost Cap

President Joe Biden falsely claimed to have capped the cost of insulin during the State of the Union address. The truth is that former President Donald Trump first capped the cost of insulin, and Biden is taking credit for it after axing Trump's move to cap insulin cost.