American Missionary Couple Murdered in Haiti

American missionary couple Davy and Natalie Lloyd were tragically killed in Haiti, leaving behind a legacy of devotion to God and love for each other. Their parents shared their memories in an exclusive interview with Fox News. The couple served as full-time missionaries in Haiti, spreading the Gospel of Christ to the young people of the country.

Mourning of Mission Director and American Couple Killed by Gang Members in Haiti

Mission director and American couple killed by gang members in Haiti mourned in a church service. The killings occurred in a gang-controlled area in the capital. The service honored the lives of the victims who were fatally shot by gunmen. Funeral procession held for the victims.

Former President Donald Trump reaches out to offer condolences after missionaries killed in Haiti

Former President Donald Trump reached out to Missouri State Rep. Ben Baker to offer condolences after his daughter and son-in-law, both missionaries, were killed by gangs in Haiti. Trump expressed sympathy and care for the family during the call.

Protection of Missionaries' Remains

Sen. Josh Hawley calls on President Biden to protect the remains of missionaries Davy and Natalie Lloyd as they are transported back to the United States from Haiti after being killed by gangs.

Missionaries killed in Haiti by gang members

Three missionaries, including a U.S. couple and a Haitian man, were shot and killed by gang members in Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince. The missionaries were ambushed after a youth group activity held at a local church. The violent attack occurred in the context of escalating gang violence in the city.

Violence in Port-au-Prince

Armed gangs in Port-au-Prince killed a young American couple working as missionaries and a Haitian colleague. The gangs control most of the capital, with around 2,500 people killed or injured in gang violence in the first three months of the year.

Tragic Death of Missouri State Rep. Ben Baker's Daughter and Son-in-Law in Haiti

Missouri State Rep. Ben Baker's daughter and son-in-law were serving as missionaries in Haiti and were tragically killed in an attack by gangs. The incident occurred in Port au Prince, where the organization they worked for, Missions in Haiti, had warned of gang control in the area. The United States State Department had previously issued a travel advisory for Haiti due to safety concerns.

Haiti's Capital Engulfed in Gang Violence

Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, is engulfed in a horrific gang war, with over 2,500 people killed. Bodies are left on the streets to decay, some being eaten by animals. Gang leader 'Barbecue' is ordering widespread destruction. A US politician's daughter and son-in-law were killed by gangs while working as missionaries. The violence has led to a state of emergency and widespread chaos in the city.

American Christian missionaries killed in Haiti

American Christian missionaries killed in gang violence in Haiti. Missionaries Davy and Natalie Lloyd shot and killed at a church. Situation in Haiti worsens due to gang violence and political instability. Former President Trump and President Biden involved in addressing the crisis.

Modernizing Missionary Practices for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is modernizing its missionary practices, encouraging social media outreach and community service. Changes include loosening dress codes and allowing more communication with family. The pandemic accelerated the shift to digital evangelism.