Sydney Mall Stabbing Incident

Australian police are investigating a stabbing incident at a Sydney mall where a lone assailant targeted women, killing six people and injuring over a dozen. The attacker, Joel Cauchi, was shot and killed by police. The motive is believed to be related to the assailant's frustration at not having a girlfriend and his history of mental illness. The incident has led to a day of national mourning in Australia.

Russia Concert Hall Attack Suspects

Four suspects accused of staging a terrorist attack at a concert hall in Russia, resulting in over 130 deaths, appeared in court showing signs of beatings. Some suspects admitted guilt, but their conditions raised concerns about the validity of their statements. The attack has been claimed by an Islamic State affiliate, and Russian authorities arrested four suspects and detained seven others. The attack led to a national day of mourning in Russia.

Moscow Concert Hall Terrorist Attack

A terrorist attack at a concert hall in Moscow left 133 dead, with Russia blaming Ukraine and ISIS-K claiming responsibility. Putin vowed vengeance and declared a day of national mourning. The attack has led to tensions between Russia and Ukraine.