Russia building nuclear power plant in Uzbekistan

Russia and Uzbekistan signed an agreement for Moscow to build a small nuclear power plant in Uzbekistan, increasing Russia's influence in the region. The U.N.'s High Representative for Disarmament Affairs cautioned states involved in transferring arms to Ukraine or Russia to act responsibly as the war continues.

Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Drone Footage Reveals Damage

Eerie new drone footage reveals the extent of damage to the Fukushima nuclear power plant 13 years after the meltdown. TEPCO released photos showing melted fuel and equipment inside the reactor. The cleanup and decommissioning process remains challenging due to high radiation levels and technical hurdles.

Impact of Lack of International Space Laws on Space Mining and Plans for a Nuclear Power Plant on the Moon

The article discusses how a lack of international space laws could impact space mining, with China and Russia planning to build a nuclear power plant on the moon by 2035. This project is seen as a strategic threat to the United States, with Russia sharing nuclear space energy expertise with China. The article also highlights the potential for conflict over lunar sovereignty, as nations cannot claim property rights in space according to international space laws. The moon is seen as a valuable source of minerals, with the race to establish a space base before rival nations being crucial.

Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant at Risk

The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, near the front line of the war with Russia, is at risk of a potential disaster due to staffing issues, maintenance concerns, and power outages. The plant is currently relying on backup generators to operate safely.