AI-Generated Restaurant Reviews

AI-generated restaurant reviews can deceive both humans and AI detectors, potentially undermining the credibility of online reviews. Study by Yale professor Balázs Kovács shows that participants struggle to distinguish between real and AI-generated reviews. Implications include threats to trust in online platforms and the need for improved authentication mechanisms and regulatory action.

Defamation Lawsuit against 'Are We Dating the Same Guy?' Facebook Group

Nikko D'Ambrosio is suing online platforms and members of the Facebook group 'Are We Dating the Same Guy?' for defamation, doxing, and invasion of privacy, claiming he was smeared by dozens of women in the group.

Russian Fake News Websites in the U.S.

Russian-created fake news websites masquerading as local news outlets have emerged in the U.S., spreading Kremlin propaganda and disinformation ahead of the American presidential election. The websites mimic real news organizations but contain fabricated stories mixed with some true reports. The Kremlin's goal is to influence public discourse and deceive American readers through a network of online platforms.