Whale Sightings off New England

Scientists report a large number of whales off New England, including an orca eating a tuna and a high concentration of rare sei whales. The area is important core habitat for endangered North Atlantic right whales, with concerns about vessel strikes and entanglements.

Man fined for trying to 'body slam' orca in New Zealand

A New Zealand man was fined for trying to 'body slam' an orca swimming next to his boat, in what officials called 'stupid' and 'extremely irresponsible' behavior.

Man jumps into sea to touch orca in New Zealand

A man in New Zealand jumped from a boat to touch or body-slam an orca, as shown in a video shared by authorities.

Orca Rescue in Zeballos, British Columbia

A young killer whale trapped in a lagoon in Vancouver Island swam past a bottleneck at high tide, heading towards the open sea. The orca had been stuck in the lagoon since its pregnant mother died in March. Efforts were made to free the whale, including using a net and playing a violin to coax it out.