Mysterious Metallic Monoliths

Metallic monoliths have been mysteriously appearing in various locations around the world, sparking speculation about their origins and purpose. The most recent monolith was found near Las Vegas and has since been removed due to safety and environmental concerns.

Face-focused Idioms in the English Language

An article discussing the origins and meanings of popular face-focused idioms in the English language, such as 'poker face' and 'save face'.

China's Mission to the Moon

China launches mission to collect lunar samples from far side of the moon as part of renewed space race.

Common Sayings and Their Origins

Common sayings used metaphorically in the English language have interesting histories and deeper metaphoric meanings. This article explores the origins of three popular expressions.

Origins of Popular English Language Expressions

Exploration of the origins of popular English language expressions involving animals and creatures, such as 'elephant in the room', 'dog and pony show', and 'sly as a fox'.

Origins of Popular English Language Expressions

Exploration of the origins and meanings of popular English language expressions, including 'an elephant in the room' and 'shrinking violet'.

The Achilles Trap: Saddam Hussein, The CIA, and the Origins of America's Invasion of Iraq

Journalist Steve Coll discusses his new book, The Achilles Trap, which delves into the relationship between Saddam Hussein, the CIA, and the origins of America's invasion of Iraq.