The Role of Outside Agitators in Protests

Examining the role of outside agitators in protests throughout U.S. history, from the civil rights movement to the 2020 protests for racial justice.

Protests and the Label of 'Outside Agitators'

Police take demonstrators into custody on the campus of the Art Institute of Chicago after students established a protest encampment. Mayor Eric Adams criticizes outsiders for the strong police presence on campuses. The term 'outside agitators' is used in relation to protests against Israel's war in Gaza on college campuses.

Protests at Columbia University

New York Mayor Eric Adams claims 'outside agitators' are present at Columbia University protests.

Anti-Israel Pro-Hamas Encampment at University of Chicago

Organizers at the University of Chicago released a list of needed supplies for an anti-Israel, pro-Hamas encampment, including Plan B, HIV tests, vaseline, and more. Similar demands have been made at other universities across the country. Protests are ongoing amid revelations that some of the 'encampments' are run by 'outside agitators' receiving funds from around the world.

Anti-Israel protests at Columbia University

NYPD Deputy Commissioner warns of 'outside agitators' in anti-Israel protests at Columbia University. Bodycam footage shows officers breaching a building taken over by protesters. Sheppard highlights influence of professionals manipulating young minds.

Police Response to Student Protests

Mayor Eric Adams discusses police response to student protests at Columbia and other campuses, mentioning 'outside agitators' co-opting the protests.

Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University

Professional protest consultant involved in anti-Israel protests at Columbia University. Mayor Eric Adams warns of outside agitators co-opting peaceful protests. NYPD shares tactics introduced by external actors. 63-year-old Lisa Fithian seen instructing protesters.

Anti-Israel protests at U.S. universities

Anti-Israel agitators arrested at Emory University protests were found to be outsiders, not part of the school community. Similar incidents reported at other universities across the U.S.