TikToker Escapes Kitchen Fire

Connecticut TikToker LaTeasha Brost goes viral after tripping over couch while escaping kitchen fire, causing a panic and receiving 2nd degree burns. She emphasizes the importance of not using water to extinguish oil fires.

Rare Earthquake Shakes New York Area

A rare earthquake shook the New York area, causing panic among residents. The 4.8-magnitude quake hit near Lebanon, New Jersey, rattling buildings and interrupting events in New York City. No initial reports of injuries or major damage, but aftershocks are a concern. Memes and jokes flooded social media following the quake.

Discussion on Democrats' Panic as Biden Enters General Election

Alex Pfeiffer, communications director for MAGA Inc., claims Democrats are panicking as President Biden enters the general election because the facts are not on their side. Pfeiffer highlights issues like the economy, immigration, and border security as areas where Biden and the Democrats are vulnerable.