Tips for a Memorable Wedding Morning

Wedding photographer Kristin Piteo emphasizes the importance of alignment between couples and photographers on vision and artistic views for the best wedding day prints. The article also provides tips on how to make the morning of the wedding memorable, including having a bridesmaids brunch, snacking on fruit, capturing small moments, reflecting, writing notes to each other, and including pets in the wedding.

Heroic Rescue by Atlantic City Police Officer

An Atlantic City police officer heroically rescued a trapped teenage girl and three pets from a burning building, going back multiple times to save them all.

Cicadas Emergence in 2024 and Pet Safety

Animals at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago, Illinois, were spotted eating cicadas which have emerged after 17 years. While cicadas are generally not toxic to pets, large quantities or allergies could lead to gastrointestinal upset or allergic reactions in pets.

Raccoon Infestation in Japan

Japan is facing a significant raccoon infestation issue due to the import of raccoons as pets following the popularity of an anime in the 1970s. The raccoons have caused millions of dollars in agricultural damage and are now found in all 47 prefectures of Japan.

FOX News Lifestyle Section Highlights

FOX News Lifestyle section features various offbeat news stories including a viral response to city officials, a rare World War II-era find, and eyebrow-raising trends in baby names. It also covers food, travel, and pets with regular quizzes and games available for readers.

National Pet Day Celebration

A New York-based health plan is using robotic pets to combat social isolation. National Pet Day is celebrated on April 11. Ways to celebrate include throwing a pet party, going to the dog park, taking cute photos, making homemade treats, watching pet-related movies, going on a pet-friendly vacation, dining out with your pet, buying extra toys and treats, going on a hike, giving your pet a spa day, and volunteering at a local shelter.

Protecting Pets During a Solar Eclipse

Experts say pets don't need eclipse sunglasses during a solar eclipse, and it's best to leave them at home due to potential stress from crowds and traffic. Tips for protecting pets during the eclipse include planning ahead, watching for signs of distress, and ensuring they are safe and comfortable.