Pro-Palestinian Activists Blockading Sorbonne University in Paris

Far-left pro-Palestinian student activists in Paris blockade Sorbonne University following similar actions at Sciences Po. Activists demand debates on Gaza conflict and support for Palestinian cause. Political figures and parties have conflicting views on the blockades.

Paul Rusesabagina's Imprisonment and Political Activism in Rwanda

Paul Rusesabagina, the inspiration behind the film Hotel Rwanda, was imprisoned in Rwanda for his ties to a political opposition group, released after international pressure, and continues to speak out against the government despite a promise not to criticize. He believes in the potential for positive change in Rwanda.

Yulia Navalnaya's Call for Election Day Protest in Russia

Yulia Navalnaya, widow of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, calls on Russians to protest against President Vladimir Putin on election day in memory of her husband. She urges people to vote against Putin, spoil their ballots, or write 'Navalny' on them. Navalnaya has vowed to continue her husband's work and has made political appearances in the West.

Oscar-nominated documentary Four Daughters

The Oscar-nominated documentary Four Daughters blends truth and fiction with rare transparency, providing a unique viewing experience. The film showcases the compelling stories of trauma, survival, and political activism in various parts of the world.