House Committee Testimony on President Biden's Handling of Classified Documents

Former special counsel Robert Hur testified before a House committee on President Biden's handling of classified documents, defending his decision not to pursue criminal charges. The testimony sparked a political debate on Biden's memory and age, with Republicans questioning the decision and Democrats accusing Hur of being politically motivated. The hearing also highlighted the differences between Biden and Trump's handling of classified materials.

Controversy Surrounding A24's Film 'Civil War'

A24 is preparing to release a provocative film called Civil War, directed by Alex Garland, that depicts a dystopian future America in chaos. The film has sparked fierce debate from both the left and the right, with concerns about potential real-life violence. Some see it as a reflection of current political tensions, while others view it as predictive programming by the left.

Democratic Concerns About President Biden's Age

Two prominent Democrats, Rep. Tom Suozzi and Rep. Katie Porter, have openly expressed concerns about President Joe Biden's age, sparking debate about age limits for elected officials. This conversation could impact Democratic candidates' strategies leading up to the November elections.