Trust in British Politics

Trust in British politics has fallen to an all-time low as nearly half of the public believes politicians prioritize their party over the country. The public's faith in governments and politicians is at its lowest in at least 50 years, with a growing lack of trust in the UK political system.

Jon Stewart's critique of Donald Trump and the political system

Jon Stewart questions if former President Donald Trump is exposing crony capitalism and transactional corruption within corporate and political America. He highlights Trump's actions surrounding the 2016 election and his interactions with Georgia Secretary of State and Ukraine. Stewart acknowledges the presence of dedicated individuals in Washington but criticizes the system's disconnect from the people. He suggests that Trump, while exploiting vulnerabilities, inadvertently reveals flaws that can be addressed.

Former President Trump's 2024 Vice Presidential Pick and Warning of 'Grave Danger'

Former President Trump hints at naming his 2024 vice presidential pick during the convention, warns of 'grave danger' for the country due to a corrupt political system.

Impact of a Criminal President on American Democracy

The article discusses the potential implications of a criminal president like Donald Trump on American democracy, highlighting concerns about accountability, abuse of power, and the effectiveness of checks and balances in the system.

World Happiness Report

The U.S. dropped to 23rd in the World Happiness Report, with countries like Finland and Denmark consistently ranking among the happiest. Americans feel glum about various issues including loneliness, the economy, and political leadership.

China's Two Sessions Meetings and Xi Jinping's Leadership

China's annual Two Sessions meetings provide insight into the direction of the country under Xi Jinping's leadership, which is moving towards a more closed and ideological security state. Despite challenges, Xi Jinping still maintains strong support among key groups in China. There are concerns about China's intentions with Taiwan, but the decision to act may be influenced by global and domestic factors, as well as the economic crisis facing the country.