Emmanuel Macron's Political Challenges in France

Emmanuel Macron vows to continue 'acting' until 2027 amidst backlash and calls for resignation after poor election results. Facing challenges from far-right and far-left parties, Macron's centrist government is struggling in polls ahead of snap legislative elections.

Assassination Attempt on Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico

Slovakia's populist Prime Minister Robert Fico was seriously wounded in an assassination attempt but has forgiven his attacker. He believes he was targeted for his Ukraine position contrary to the European mainstream. Fico opposes military aid to Ukraine, EU sanctions on Russia, and Ukraine joining NATO.

European Parliament Campaign and Orbán's Criticism of Brussels

Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán declares that the globalist leadership in Brussels must go and does not deserve another chance. He emphasizes the need for change and criticizes Brussels for being pro-war, pushing for peace negotiations in Ukraine, and advocating against Europe entering long-term funding commitments for the war. Orbán's Fidesz party is projected to win in the upcoming European Parliament elections, aligning with populist-conservative forces.