Kenyan Police Mission in Haiti

Kenyan police arrive in violence-ravaged Haiti to help combat powerful gangs, while facing protests in Kenya's capital. NPR covers the situation in both countries.

Protests in Kenya over Tax Increases

Protesters in Kenya demand President William Ruto resign over proposed tax increases, even after he withdrew the legislation following deadly protests. Crowds call for further action and step down of the president, leading to clashes with police and military presence in the streets.

Protests in Nairobi over Finance Bill

Kenyan police clashed with protesters in Nairobi over a contentious finance bill, despite the president's decision not to sign it after deadly chaos. Protests originated online demanding legislators reject tax hikes and later called for the president's resignation. At least 22 people were reportedly killed in the chaos. US Secretary of State urged restraint and prompt investigations into human rights abuses.

Military Coup Attempt in Bolivia

A military coup attempt is underway in Bolivia, with troops and armored vehicles surrounding the governmental palace and using tear gas on demonstrators. The situation is chaotic and fast-moving, with tensions between the military and the president.

Protests in Kenya over Proposed Tax Increases

Protesters clash with police in Nairobi demanding President William Ruto resign over proposed tax increases. Ruto refuses to sign a finance bill proposing new taxes after violent clashes that resulted in several deaths. Kenyans express widespread dissatisfaction with the bill, leading to a major setback for Ruto. The protests unite people beyond tribal divisions against the bill.

Kenyan President William Ruto's Reversal on Controversial Finance Bill

Kenyan President William Ruto plans to withdraw a controversial finance bill following violent protests and a deadly government crackdown. The bill aimed to raise taxes on essential items, sparking outrage and demonstrations across the country.

Protests in Kenya over Tax Hikes

Protesters clashed with police in Kenya's capital Nairobi over proposed tax increases, resulting in at least 23 deaths and numerous injuries. Demonstrators are calling for President William Ruto to resign amid a nationwide protest movement.

Coordination of Protests by Anti-U.S. Entities

A special report from the Heritage Foundation reveals how activist groups funded by anti-U.S. entities are coordinating protests, including those involving violence at a Los Angeles synagogue. The report breaks down the revolutionary ecosystem into four components.

Current Events

Deadly protests in Kenya against proposed tax hike, U.S. Veepstakes ongoing, Wall Street Journal reporter on trial for espionage in Russia, Earthship Atlantis on the market, Gaza facing severe malnutrition crisis

Kenyan protests over tax bill

Kenyan protesters killed by police while trying to storm parliament over a controversial tax bill that raises taxes by $2.7 billion.

Peru health regulations update for transgender individuals

Peru updates health regulations to stop listing transgender individuals as suffering from mental disorders, following protests against discriminatory law.

Protests in Kenya Against Tax Hike Bill

Barack Obama's half-sister, Auma Obama, was hit with tear gas while rallying with protesters in Kenya against a tax hike bill. The protest turned violent with at least five people fatally shot and many injured. The protesters are demanding economic relief and an end to corruption from Kenyan leaders.

Protests against Tax Hike in Kenya

Barack Obama's half-sister, Auma Obama, was hit with tear gas while protesting against a tax hike in Kenya. The protest turned violent with fatalities reported as protesters clashed with police. The tax increase is causing unrest due to high cost of living and increasing debt in the country.

Kenya Parliament Protests

Protesters stormed Kenya's parliament opposing a new finance bill, resulting in a fire and violent clashes with police. Several people were killed and injured, and the government faced significant unrest.

Protests in Kenya over Proposed Tax Increases

Protesters clash with police in Kenya's capital Nairobi over proposed tax increases, resulting in at least five deaths, dozens wounded, and sections of the parliament building set ablaze. Demonstrators demand President William Ruto's resignation.

Kenyan Protests Against Tax Rises

Kenyan police open fire on protestors as they storm parliament in widespread demonstrations against sweeping tax rises, resulting in several deaths and injuries. The controversial tax bill aims to raise taxes to pay off foreign debt, sparking outrage among Kenyan citizens.

Kenyan protests over tax hike

Intense clashes and protests in Kenya after lawmakers approved a tax-raising proposal

Protests in Kenya Over Finance Bill

Protesters in Kenya clashed with police over a new finance bill imposing new taxes, resulting in violence, deaths, and a direct assault on the government. Demonstrators demanded legislators vote against the bill due to frustrations over the high cost of living. The bill was passed, leading to protests and clashes in various cities.

Protests in Kenya against Finance Bill

Protesters in Kenya set part of parliament building on fire in response to a controversial finance bill imposing new taxes. Police opened fire on protesters, resulting in at least three deaths. Two people died in similar protests the previous week. Kenya Human Rights Commission reported 50 Kenyans, including the president's personal assistant, were abducted by police officers. President Ruto was away attending an African Union retreat.

Emmanuel Macron warns of 'civil war' in France over upcoming elections

Emmanuel Macron warns of 'civil war' in France if voters choose extreme right or left parties in upcoming elections. Macron criticizes National Rally and New Popular Front, claiming their agendas could lead to division and violence. Macron's comments spark backlash from opposition leader Bardella. Macron's presidency marked by chaos in streets, including Yellow Vest protests and pension reform strikes.

Protests Outside Synagogue in West Los Angeles

Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Israeli demonstrators clashed outside a synagogue in West Los Angeles, leading to violence and arrests. President Biden and local officials condemned the violence. The event at the synagogue was promoting property listings in Israeli settlements in the West Bank, sparking protests against the sale of occupied land. The international community considers these settlements illegal, but Israel considers them neighborhoods of its capital. The violence has been criticized as antisemitic and a violation of human rights.

Iranian Presidential Elections and Political Divide

Two young Iranians, Atousa and Reza, have opposing political views ahead of the presidential elections in Iran. Atousa abstains from voting, viewing the election as a circus, while Reza, a Basij militia member, intends to vote to support the Islamic Republic. The election has sparked protests and calls for boycotts among Iranians, especially the youth.

Hezbollah's Strategy to Infiltrate Western Societies

Hezbollah MP Mohammad Raad advocates for infiltrating Western societies through investing in Western university students protesting against Israel to increase support for Palestinians. Israel continues efforts to dismantle Hamas in Gaza. Hezbollah, designated as a terrorist organization by many countries, poses security concerns to Israel and has contentious relations with the United States. Pro-Palestinian protests on U.S. campuses are organized and funded by Qatari groups promoting Islamist ideology.

Protests in Israel for ceasefire in Gaza

Thousands in Israel protest for Netanyahu to accept ceasefire deal in Gaza

Israel's Participation in the Olympic Games in Paris

Israel plans to send 85 athletes to the Olympic Games in Paris despite protests over the war in Gaza. A false claim on Threads stated Israel was 'out' of the Games, but the International Olympic Committee confirmed Israeli athletes will be allowed to compete.

Myanmar Protests for Aung San Suu Kyi's Birthday

Supporters of Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi carry out flower-themed protests on her 79th birthday, defying the military government's repression. Suu Kyi remains imprisoned after the military seized power in 2021.

Cuban Activist Bárbaro de Céspedes Blocked from Fleeing to Nicaragua

Cuban opposition activist Bárbaro de Céspedes was blocked from entering Nicaragua, preventing him from fleeing Cuba. De Céspedes, known as “The Patriot of Camagüey,” was arrested for participating in anti-communist protests and sentenced to prison. His attempt to leave Cuba was thwarted by Nicaraguan authorities, leaving him stranded. He accused Cuban and Nicaraguan officials of conspiring against him.

Anti-Israel Protests and Rising Anti-Jewish Prejudice

Anti-Israel protesters were heard chanting 'Long live intifada' at a demonstration in New York. Fox News reports on rising anti-Jewish prejudice in the U.S. and the world. Includes stories on rescued Hamas hostages, campus protests, and calls to revoke Al Jazeera's media credentials.

Protests in New York City and Washington DC over US Support for Israel

Pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli protesters march in New York City following the October 7 attack by Hamas on Israel. President Biden expresses support for Israel, but polls show split support among American voters, particularly across generations. The split was evident in large marches in Washington in November. Biden's re-election in 2024 may be impacted by the US support for Israel.

Argentina Senate Approves President Javier Milei's Proposals

Argentina's Senate approved President Javier Milei's proposals to slash spending and boost his own powers, leading to clashes between protesters and police. The legislation still needs to survive an article-by-article vote and faces opposition from both right-wing and left-wing lawmakers.

Anti-Israel Protests in Washington, D.C.

Anti-Israel protesters vandalized statues in Washington, D.C.'s Lafayette Square during a protest against President Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas war. The protest turned chaotic with assaults on park rangers and police officers, as well as damage to park resources. The protesters argued against Israel's actions in Gaza.

WNBA star Brittney Griner's controversial actions

WNBA star Brittney Griner posed topless with her wife to celebrate the coming birth of their first child. Griner has faced controversy for her views on patriotism and protests.

NAACP's Call to End U.S. Military Support for Israel and Controversy Surrounding It

Elisha Wiesel criticizes NAACP for calling to end U.S. military support for Israel, citing family's history with civil rights movement and Zionism. NAACP's stance sparks controversy amid tensions with Hamas. Pro-Palestinian protests lead to vandalism and assaults. Expert warns of left-wing support for Hamas alienating Americans and impacting upcoming elections.

University of California Academic Workers' Strike

University of California academic workers' strike halted by court order after protests related to anti-Israel demonstrations on campuses. The workers demanded amnesty for arrested protesters and freedom of speech guarantees.

Portland District Attorney Replacement and Statue Restoration

Portland-area voters replace progressive District Attorney with tough-on-crime challenger. Historical statues in Portland being decommissioned and repaired, including statues of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. Some statues, like the one of former editor-in-chief Scott, won't be restored. Portland continues to address the aftermath of 2020 protests and riots.

Protests against President Biden's support of Israel and proposed legislation in Ohio

Thousands protested outside the White House against President Biden's support of Israel. Ohio lawmaker proposed legislation requiring rioters to pay for damages. Protests across the country demand cutting ties with Israel. State Bill 267 aims to hold rioters accountable and empower law enforcement. Anti-Israel protests led to clashes and arrests nationwide.

Mosab Hassan Yousef's Perspective on Hamas and Israel

Mosab Hassan Yousef, also known as 'The Green Prince,' sheds light on Hamas and offers advice to those protesting against Israel on college campuses. He criticizes Hamas as a terrorist group and emphasizes the need for understanding and standing firmly against terrorism.

European Farmer Protests Against Climate Change Policies

Anthony Lee, a farmer in Lower Saxony, Germany, has been vocal in criticizing the EU's climate change policies and is involved in the farmer protest movement. European farmers are protesting against new environmental regulations, subsidy cuts, and cheap agricultural imports. The protests have turned violent in some cases, with farmers clashing with police. The EU has made concessions to farmers in response to the protests, potentially shifting policies away from environmental concerns.

Protests and attacks on American brands in Iraq

Iraqi security forces fired on protesters outside a KFC restaurant in Baghdad, leading to arrests and injuries. Iran-backed Shiite militias are behind the attacks on American brand names like KFC. The Iraqi government is trying to attract international brands, while militias aim to punish Western companies for supporting Israel.

Rising Antisemitism in New York City

Rising antisemitism in New York City highlighted as hate crimes surge, NYC public school students walk out in protest, and Maldives bans Israelis from entering. Anti-Israel protesters disrupt Vice President Kamala Harris' appearance on Jimmy Kimmel's show.

Student Antiwar Movement and University Divestment

Student antiwar movement demanding universities divest from Israeli companies with ties to Gaza war continues over summer. Protests, encampments, arrests, and suspensions reported at various universities. Demonstrations planned in different cities. Movement gaining momentum despite opposition.

The Controversy Surrounding the Term 'Intifada' in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The term 'intifada' has become a point of contention in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with some viewing it as a call for violence and others as a call for liberation. The protests at Columbia University reflect differing interpretations of the word and its implications for both sides.

Tiananmen Square Crackdown Anniversary

China tightens security on the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown, quashing any memory of the killings. Overseas commemorative events have become crucial for preserving memories of the event.

Security Preparations for Israel Day Parade in NYC

NYC public school students walked out of classes and an anti-Israel protest took place at the Department of Education headquarters. The New York City Police Department is on high alert for the annual Israel Day Parade due to potential threats. Security measures are increased, with drones and various police units deployed for safety.

Controversy over Cody Roberts bringing live wolf into a bar in Wyoming

Cody Roberts brought a live wolf into a bar in Wyoming, sparking outrage globally. He ran the wolf over with a snowmobile and later shot it, leading to an investigation. The incident caused a backlash, with threats and protests against Roberts and Wyoming's wolf laws.

Chants of 'Intifada' in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Chants of 'Intifada' at pro-Palestinian protests spark debate over its meaning in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Some view it as a call for violence against Jews, while others see it as a symbol of resistance and liberation. The word's history and interpretation vary depending on one's perspective.

Chicago Police Department's Preparedness for Mass Gatherings

The Chicago Police Department was found unprepared for mass gatherings as the city plans to host the Democratic National Convention. Critics raise concerns about delayed responses to 911 calls and potential violations of First and Fourth Amendment rights. Anti-Israel groups plan to protest the event over President Biden's support for Israel.

Israeli Politics

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is gaining popularity in Israel, out-polling main rival Benny Gantz. Pressure from Democrats in the United States and left-wing protests have not impacted his support. Netanyahu's policies on Hamas and the Palestinian state are key reasons for his increasing popularity.

Protests outside former President Trump's trial in New York City

Protests outside New York City courtroom where former President Trump's trial is taking place escalate as supporters and anti-Trump protesters clash, with police intervention required.

Iran's Presidential Election Registration

Iran opens registration for presidential election following the death of Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash. The election is amidst tensions with the US and protests over various issues. The new president will face challenges in dealing with nuclear enrichment, international conflicts, economic hardships, and widespread protests.

Pro-Palestinian Protesters Swarm Israeli Embassy in Mexico City

Pro-Palestinian protesters in Mexico City swarmed the Israeli embassy, throwing rocks and setting fires. The unrest resulted in injuries to police officers and journalists. The incident followed an Israeli attack on a Hamas position near a refugee camp in Rafah.

Jerry Seinfeld facing backlash over support for Israel

Jerry Seinfeld discusses recent incidents of facing backlash over his open support for Israel and recalls emotional trip to Israel after October 7 terrorist attacks.

Georgian 'Foreign Agents' Legislation Rejected

Georgian parliament committee rejects president's veto of 'foreign agents' legislation, sparking massive protests. Law requires media and NGOs with over 20% foreign funding to register as 'carrying out the interests of a foreign power.' Supporters claim it's necessary to stop harmful foreign actors, while critics see it as a restriction on media freedom and EU aspirations.

Former President Trump's stance on American college campuses and Israel

Former President Trump vows to stop 'radical revolution' at American college campuses if reelected, promises to throw foreign students protesting against Israel out of the country, expresses support for Israel's war on terror, and criticizes Jewish people for voting for Democrats.

China-Taiwan Relations

China conducts military drills in Taiwan Strait following changes favoring China in Taiwan's legislature, causing protests and tensions between pro-China and pro-independence groups.

Controversial College Commencement Speeches in 2024

College commencement speeches this year have been met with protests and controversy, with notable figures like Maria Ressa and Jerry Seinfeld facing backlash for their remarks. The speeches have sparked debate on issues like freedom of speech, political beliefs, and societal values.

Pro-Palestinian Protests at Harvard and UCLA

Pro-Palestinian protests continue at Harvard and UCLA after 13 students were disqualified from commencement. Police faced protesters at UCLA and Harvard overruled faculty to re-invite the students. Harvard College planned to fast-track degrees for the excluded students if successful appeals are made.

Antisemitic Incidents at Harvard University's Commencement Ceremony

Jewish student leader expresses disappointment over antisemitic incidents at Harvard University's commencement ceremony, where students and faculty walked out in solidarity with anti-Israel protesters who were denied degrees. The unrest culminated months of protests on campus. Commencement speaker and student speakers supported the protests, leading to a disrupted ceremony.

Harvard University's decision to prevent 13 activists from graduating

The Harvard Corporation overturned a faculty vote and upheld a decision to prevent 13 'encampment' activists from graduating due to violations of university policies. The activists disrupted campus life with protests, causing Jewish students to feel unsafe. Pro-Palestinian students walked out of Harvard's graduation ceremony in protest.

House Republicans call for reevaluation of Columbia University's accreditation standards

House Republicans urge reevaluation of Columbia University's accreditation standards due to alleged antisemitism and protests on campus.

Anti-Israel protests at UCLA

Chief of police at UCLA reassigned as university investigates campus security protocol amid anti-Israel protests. UCLA creates new office to lead investigation into security failures during protests. Hundreds of students protest leading to remote learning and arrests.

Iranian Funeral Events for President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian

Iran held funeral events for President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, with thousands chanting anti-American and anti-Israeli slogans. The funeral procession was overcrowded due to a helicopter crash that killed them and six others. Iranian authorities are investigating the crash, which occurred in inclement weather. Despite state propaganda outlets claiming millions attended, videos surfaced of Iranians celebrating Raisi's death. Iran's Cyber Police Chief announced an investigation into those sharing 'insulting' content about Raisi online. Raisi, known for overseeing executions of dissidents, focused his presidency on suppressing protests and women's rights. The funeral featured chants of 'Death to America!' and 'Death to Israel!'

Israeli authorities seize AP broadcasting equipment

Israeli authorities briefly seized broadcasting equipment from The Associated Press for providing images to Al Jazeera, but returned the equipment after protests from the White House and others.

Violent Unrest in New Caledonia

Violent clashes in New Caledonia escalate as indigenous population seeks independence, leading to sixth fatality. Protests over voting reforms have turned parts of the capital into no-go zones, with ongoing violence despite state of emergency.

Anti-Israel Protests at University of Pennsylvania

Anti-Israel protests continue on college campuses, spreading to University of Pennsylvania. Protesters attempted to occupy a campus building but were escorted out by police. The protests come after an encampment was dismantled the week prior.

Fatal Fire at Buenos Aires Hotel Targeting Lesbians

A fire at a Buenos Aires hotel resulted in the death of three women and one injured, all identified as lesbians. The suspect intentionally set fire to their room, sparking protests and accusations of a hate crime.

Rise of Antisemitism in Kentucky

Antisemitism in Kentucky has more than doubled in the past two years, with 47 incidents reported in 2023 compared to 16 in 2022. The rise in antisemitism has been linked to the Israel-Palestine conflict, with protests supporting Palestine leading to antisemitic incidents on college campuses.

Pro-Palestinian Protests in New York City and American Universities

Pro-Palestinian protesters blocked traffic in Queens, New York City, waving Palestinian flags and igniting smoke bombs to commemorate Nakba Day, while Rep. Rashida Tlaib faced controversy for characterizing Israel's statehood as a 'catastrophe.' Protests have escalated at American universities, with anti-Israel sentiments and clashes with authorities.

Antisemitism on College Campuses

University presidents to testify on antisemitism on college campuses following arrests of anti-Israel protesters at the University of California, Irvine. Northwestern, UCLA, and Rutgers presidents summoned to Capitol Hill for a hearing titled 'Calling For Accountability: Stopping Antisemitic College Chaos.' Yale and Michigan presidents to participate in a closed-door transcribed interview.

Morehouse College President's Stance on Student Protesters During Biden's Graduation Speech

Morehouse College President David A. Thomas stated he would shut down commencement ceremonies if police tried to remove student protesters during President Joe Biden's graduation speech. The college will allow silent, non-disruptive protests but not hate speech or disruptive behavior.

Columbia University Faculty 'No Confidence' Vote Against President Nemat Shafik

Columbia University faculty passed a 'no confidence' resolution against President Nemat Shafik due to her handling of anti-Israel incidents on campus. The resolution accused her of violating academic freedom and endangering students' welfare. Shafik faced criticism for bringing police onto campus to clear out agitators who vandalized a building and waved a Palestinian flag. Pro-Israel voices also criticized her for being too soft on anti-Israel encampments and antisemitic rhetoric.

Antisemitism and Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses

A Jewish student at Brandeis University and Chicago police officers at DePaul University address antisemitism and anti-Israel protests on college campuses.

Antiwar student protests at UC Berkeley

Antiwar student protesters at UC Berkeley reached an agreement with administrators regarding investments in Israel; protesters dismantle encampment; protests continue across University of California system.

Deadly Violence in New Caledonia

Deadly violence erupts in New Caledonia as pro-independence indigenous Kanak communities clash with French residents. At least four people have died, prompting a curfew and military mobilization by France.

Georgia's Controversial 'Foreign Agents' Law

Georgia passes a controversial 'foreign agents' law that threatens democracy, sparking massive protests. Law requires registration of entities receiving over 20% funding from abroad. Critics say it will stifle free speech and target government opponents. Pro-EU sentiment clashes with ruling party's sympathy towards Russia.

Protests in New Caledonia over Constitutional Reform

Protests in New Caledonia turn violent over constitutional reform pushed by Paris, leading to deaths, injuries, and arrests. French President Macron considers imposing state of emergency to restore order.

Georgian Opposition Protests Government Bill on "Foreign Agents"

Georgian opposition parties protest government bill on "foreign agents" seen as a threat to country's EU and NATO aspirations. Protests escalate in capital, with clashes between protesters and police. International community expresses concerns over the legislation.

Anti-Israel protests at UCLA linked to outside communist involvement

Former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker calls for consequences for anti-Israel protesters. Watchdog group exposes outside communist involvement in anti-Israel protest at UCLA. Revcom activist seen organizing protest. Anti-Israel encampments linked to outside agitators. Progressive donors and groups tied to anti-Israel protests on college campuses.

Impact of USC College Protests on Security in Los Angeles

Rep. Mike Garcia discusses the importance of security in the upcoming elections and the impact of USC college protests on police resources in Los Angeles.

The Role of Outside Agitators in Protests

Examining the role of outside agitators in protests throughout U.S. history, from the civil rights movement to the 2020 protests for racial justice.

Raids on Leftist Picketer Leaders in Argentina

Federal justice authorities in Argentina conducted raids on leaders of leftist picketer organizations following complaints of extortion and blackmail. The picketers were accused of threatening citizens to participate in protests against President Milei. The investigation revealed instances of citizens being coerced to give up stipend money, participate in protests, and pay fees to receive government assistance. The raids targeted leaders of three picketer groups, implicating individuals associated with Kirchnerism. Evidence collected includes audio logs and financial records suggesting a system of control and punishment for non-compliance.

Protests Commemorating the Nakba and Calling for Cease-fire in Gaza

Protests around the world commemorating the 76th anniversary of the Nakba and calling for a cease-fire in Gaza. The Nakba refers to the forced removal of Palestinians from their homes in 1948. Over 35,000 Palestinians killed in Israel's war in Gaza. Protests in various countries demanding justice and cessation of violence.

U.S. Foreign Policy on Israel and Gaza Conflict

29 state financial officers urge Biden to continue support for Israel amid recent invasion of Rafah. Biden threatened to withhold weapons from Israel if invasion continues. Anti-Israel protests erupt across the country.

Georgian Parliament Approves Divisive Bill Sparking Protests

Georgian parliament approves bill requiring media and NGOs to register if they receive more than 20% of funding from abroad, sparking protests. Critics fear threat to democratic freedoms and EU aspirations. President vows to veto, but ruling party likely to override. Brawl erupts in parliament during debate.

Allegations of Anti-Semitism at UC Berkeley

Two Jewish advocacy organizations have filed a federal complaint against UC Berkeley, accusing the university of tolerating anti-Semitism and failing to enforce its anti-discrimination policies. The complaint includes incidents from antiwar protests and alleged discrimination against the law school dean.

Challenges in Finding a Speaker for Harvard College's Class Day

Harvard College is struggling to find a speaker for its Class Day due to ongoing protests and antisemitism on campus, with over 10 speakers declining the invitation. The controversy stems from the University's response to Hamas' attack on Israel and ongoing pro-Palestine protests on campus.

Controversial Law in Georgia Threatens Media Freedom

Georgia's parliament is considering a controversial law that would require media and nonprofit organizations to register as pursuing the interests of a foreign power if they receive more than 20% of their funding from abroad. Critics denounce it as the 'Russian law' due to similarities with Russian legislation cracking down on independent media and activists critical of the Kremlin.

Debunking Misinformation about Israel and Zionism

Sen. Pete Ricketts claimed President Biden has 'strengthened' Hamas by withholding aid from Israel. Author Rick Richman defends Israel against accusations of genocide by Hamas and criticizes anti-Israel protests. Richman explains the history and significance of Zionism and its relation to Judaism. He argues that Palestinians have missed opportunities for statehood and that Hamas is the genocidal entity, not Israel.

Protests in Tbilisi over 'foreign agents' bill

Two U.S. citizens and one Russian detained at protests in Tbilisi amid controversy over a 'foreign agents' bill, causing political crisis in Georgia.

68th Eurovision Song Contest

Swiss singer Nemo won the 68th Eurovision Song Contest with 'The Code,' an ode to embracing a nongender identity. Nemo is the first nonbinary winner of the contest, beating Croatian rocker Baby Lasagna. The event was overshadowed by protests and tensions related to the war in Gaza.

Eurovision Song Contest 68th Edition

Switzerland's non-binary rapper Nemo wins Eurovision Song Contest with the song 'The Code' amidst anti-Israel demonstrations. Ireland's Bambie Thug also competes as non-binary. Israel's Eden Golan faces boos and protests during the contest.

Protests against Israeli Eurovision contestant in Malmö

Pro-Hamas protesters in Malmö demand removal of Israeli Eurovision contestant Eden Golan, leading to large-scale demonstrations and security concerns. Golan faces backlash from fellow contestants and audience members, but remains resilient. Malmö has seen a rise in anti-semitism and terrorist activity amid demographic shifts.

Protests in Malmo against Israel's Eurovision entry

Protests in Malmo, Sweden ahead of Eurovision's final against Israel's entry. Eden Golan required police escort to the event. Participants like Alessandra Mele and Slimane made statements against Israel. Tension rises with accusations of 'genocide' by protesters. Years & Years frontman addresses participation amid controversy.

Controversy Surrounding Israeli Eurovision Participant

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu supports Israel's Eurovision participant after she faces booing and protests in Sweden due to the war with Hamas. Despite the controversy, the participant, Eden Golan, remains focused on her performance and receives mixed reactions from the audience.

University Campus Protests over Gaza

The writer attempted to speak to protestors at University College London but was politely ejected. He then went to the School of Oriental and African Studies where he found a welcoming protest. The article discusses freedom of speech on university campuses and the challenges faced by university chiefs in handling protests and controversial topics.

Controversy at Eurovision Song Contest

The Netherlands' contestant in the Eurovision Song Contest was expelled over a backstage incident being investigated by police, causing controversy over Israel's participation. The event has been divisive, with political protests and favorite nonbinary singer Nemo. Despite the campy ethos, Eurovision often tackles political and social issues.

Call for California Universities to Resume Classes and Graduation

Republican podcaster and Democratic state Sen. call for California universities to bring classes back to campus and reinstate graduation commencements amid anti-Israel protests. They criticize the lack of leadership in handling the situation.

Fox News coverage of Democratic Party and Joe Biden

Fox News host Sean Hannity criticizes the Democratic Party for radical ideas and worries about protesters at the 2024 Democratic Convention. Joe Biden is accused of abandoning Israel and supporting Hamas, leading to talks of impeachment among Republicans.

Student Protests for Palestine

Student protests in various universities across the U.S. in support of Palestine lead to clashes with supporters of Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk.

Campus Unrest at MIT Over War in Gaza Threatens Commencement Ceremony

MIT students face uncertainty over commencement ceremony due to campus unrest related to the war in Gaza, with protests leading to arrests and tension among classmates. The Class of 2024 has faced challenges from virtual learning to political upheaval, showcasing resilience and perspective.